Note: I think Mr. Fuller might have been referring the The Daily Worker.
But, even Thomas Fuller knows that Joe Romm, author of the so-called Climate Progress blog, is off the charts loony tunes.
And yet, Time magazine named Joe Romm one of their “Heroes of the Environment”.
Does that place Time magazine (and Joe Romm) to the Left of those who are to the Left of The Daily Worker? Could be!
Of course, Thomas Fuller is hardly the only misguided advocate for government intervention to reduce CO2 emissions who takes issue with Mr. Romm. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. (like many others) has plenty to say about the histrionics of Joe Romm.
“Hysterical pronouncements of upcoming doom because of global warming have apparently reached the point of diminishing returns. Joe Romm is as good an example as any of the doom-mongers…
opinion poll after opinion poll show that Americans, despite considering themselves environmentalists and being concerned about pollution, put global warming last on any and every list of issues of importance.
The reason is that the purple prose of panicked flacks like Joe Romm have just jumped the shark.”
(as written by an AGW true believer):

Click here for some basic science on climate change.
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