“American liberalism is a totalitarian political religion”Lest anyone doubt the religion component,
allow one of “the flock” to set the record straight:
“Obama is my Jesus.”Click the image (of Maggie) & read more
about Maggie’s religious conversion:

As for that totalitarian thing…
Who else indoctrinates and exploits their children in a manner such as this? Who else, with such soaring oratory, assures us, contrary to ALL of human history, that Marxist class warfare and Socialist policy will be our salvation?
The commentator, Patrice Lewis, is absolutely correct. This is getting VERY creepy (and VERY dangerous). We could be on the verge of electing America’s Hugo Chavez (but with an even more dangerous secular theocratic twist).
Based upon what little we have been able to learn about Obama’s past, we have EVERY reason to believe that Obama shares the same radical Marxist ideology as those who have been his closest associates for DECADES. One of those associates was Bill Ayers, a founder of The Weather Underground. Listen to the commentary of one who infiltrated The Weather Underground:
Could America REALLY elect Barack Obama? Has the majority of this country really been THAT thoroughly indoctrinated by the likes of Bill Ayers and Ward Churchill? Have the 60’s Marxist radicals been THAT successful in spreading their poison throughout the indoctrination camps which we used to call “schools”, “media” and “entertainment”?
We will soon find out. If the polls are correct, these thoroughly indoctrinated Americans could be on the verge of giving America’s Far Left not just the Presidency, but a “faith based” supermajority control of the entire Federal government.
We are living in scary times, my friends.
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