Friday, October 2, 2009
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Hot Topics:
BEST Data - No Warming Over Last Decade
The AMO as a Driver of Climate Change
Fact check - The wealthy already pay more taxes
Rare Earth Elements Spell Doom for Green Fantasies
Wikipedia’s Climate Doctor
ClimateGate - The latest updates
Dr. Tim Ball on ClimateGate - The end of AGW hysteria?
ClimateGate: The Musical - Hide The Decline!
Lindzen and Choi SHATTER the IPCC Computer models!
It’s OFFICIAL! We HAVE elected our own Hugo Chavez!
Health Care “Reform”
Cap & Trade - It’s just a giant tax (on EVERYBODY)
The Radicals in the White House
ACORN - The truth
Transparency - Obama promised it. So, where is it?
The Cause of the Housing Debacle
Fiscal Responsibility - In Obama’s Fantasy World
Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
Iraq War Media Deceptions 101 - Why the Iraq invasion was justified and necessary
Climate Change 101 - Learn what the SCIENCE says about the biggest hoax EVER!
Obama - on Climate Change
Obama’s Climate Czar - The most dangerous politician in the United States
Obama’s Climate Czar - Her Socialist revolution has begun
Compare the current recession to previous recessions
Obama - Historic & Catastrophic!
Is Obama a Socialist? You BETCHA!
Makers & Takers - Spread the wealth
Obama = International Crisis
The economic case against Obama
The comprehensive case against Obama
The deficit case against the Dems
A Liberal Supermajority? Watch Out!
Examine the series you should have read before voting!
Maggie’s Totalitarian Political Religion
“Kill him!” - Just another media lie?
Journalistic Integrity? - WHERE?
The post about the TED Spread
Save the nation from the Entitlement binge!
Market Reaction to $700 Billion Bailout Vote
Drill Here, Drill Now - Quantitative Facts
ANWR - Drill There, Drill Now
ANWR Matters - Here’s why
Coal Liquefaction (Liquid Fuels From Coal)
The Ethanol Debacle
Pickens Plan - Don’t Fall For it!
Energy Tomorrow Radio - GOOD Stuff!
Economic Forecast
BEST Data - No Warming Over Last Decade
The AMO as a Driver of Climate Change
Fact check - The wealthy already pay more taxes
Rare Earth Elements Spell Doom for Green Fantasies
Wikipedia’s Climate Doctor
ClimateGate - The latest updates
Dr. Tim Ball on ClimateGate - The end of AGW hysteria?
ClimateGate: The Musical - Hide The Decline!
Lindzen and Choi SHATTER the IPCC Computer models!
It’s OFFICIAL! We HAVE elected our own Hugo Chavez!
Health Care “Reform”
Cap & Trade - It’s just a giant tax (on EVERYBODY)
The Radicals in the White House
ACORN - The truth
Transparency - Obama promised it. So, where is it?
The Cause of the Housing Debacle
Fiscal Responsibility - In Obama’s Fantasy World
Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
Iraq War Media Deceptions 101 - Why the Iraq invasion was justified and necessary
Climate Change 101 - Learn what the SCIENCE says about the biggest hoax EVER!
Obama - on Climate Change
Obama’s Climate Czar - The most dangerous politician in the United States
Obama’s Climate Czar - Her Socialist revolution has begun
Compare the current recession to previous recessions
Obama - Historic & Catastrophic!
Is Obama a Socialist? You BETCHA!
Makers & Takers - Spread the wealth
Obama = International Crisis
The economic case against Obama
The comprehensive case against Obama
The deficit case against the Dems
A Liberal Supermajority? Watch Out!
Examine the series you should have read before voting!
Maggie’s Totalitarian Political Religion
“Kill him!” - Just another media lie?
Journalistic Integrity? - WHERE?
The post about the TED Spread
Save the nation from the Entitlement binge!
Market Reaction to $700 Billion Bailout Vote
Drill Here, Drill Now - Quantitative Facts
ANWR - Drill There, Drill Now
ANWR Matters - Here’s why
Coal Liquefaction (Liquid Fuels From Coal)
The Ethanol Debacle
Pickens Plan - Don’t Fall For it!
Energy Tomorrow Radio - GOOD Stuff!
Economic Forecast
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- 700 Billion Dollar Bailout - For What (1)
- 700 Billion Dollar Bailout - Just Say No (1)
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- Climate Change - Carol Browner - Socialist Climate Czar (6)
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- Drill Here - Coal Liquefaction (3)
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- Obama - 59% Believe Government is the Problem (1)
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- Obama - Democrat Paglia - Heads Should Roll (1)
- Obama - Do not DARE Question Obama the Messiah (1)
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- Obama - Follow Obama Down the Rabbit Hole (1)
- Obama - Gangster Government (11)
- Obama - Has Obama Buried Reagan? (1)
- Obama - How Obama Blew it (1)
- Obama - How The Voters Bought Into Obama (1)
- Obama - JFK vs. Barack Hussein Obama (1)
- Obama - Let the Whitewashing Begin (1)
- Obama - Listen to Mike (1)
- Obama - Maggie's Totalitarian Political Religion (1)
- Obama - Makers and Takers - Spread the Wealth (1)
- Obama - Marine response to Bush and Obama (1)
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- Obama - Media Malpractice (1)
- Obama - NeverFindOut (1)
- Obama - Not Acceptable as Commander-in-Chief (1)
- Obama - Obama and the Former PLO Operative (1)
- Obama - Obama is her Jesus (1)
- Obama - Obama on Climate Change (1)
- Obama - Obama Promises to Bankrupt the Coal Industry (1)
- Obama - Obama vs. Obama (1)
- Obama - Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow (1)
- Obama - Obama's Shock Doctrine (1)
- Obama - Our Worst President Ever - After Just 3 Weeks (1)
- Obama - Pharaoh Obama - Are You Listening? (1)
- Obama - Poll Numbers (3)
- Obama - Republic on The Edge (1)
- Obama - Shaman (1)
- Obama - Shovel Ready BS (1)
- Obama - Spreading the Wealth and Killiong the Goose (1)
- Obama - Tax Hikes Will Kill Jobs (1)
- Obama - Terrorists Prefer Obama (1)
- Obama - The Audacity of Irony (1)
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- Obama - The Scare Monger (1)
- Obama - Two Trillion Bucks and Tennessee Ernie Ford (1)
- Obama - Voter Profiles (1)
- Obama - Wants to spread the wealth around (1)
- Obama - Way to go Kids (1)
- Obama - Welcome the Three Headed Monster (1)
- Obama - Where is his birth certificate (4)
- Obama - Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights (1)
- Obama - Your Nest Egg on Obama (1)
- Obama = International Crisis (1)
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Blog Archive
- Halloween Vampire Vids
- White House Vs. Fox News - Who Gets Your Vote?
- British women misled into breast cancer surgery
- Shamelessly Pimping for Snark and Boobs
- Radicals For Capitalism - A Reason.tv Special Event
- ACORN funding banned ONLY through 12/18/09
- The Top 10 Reasons to Defeat ObamaCare
- Just 4% Trust Reporters More Than Themselves
- NewsBusted Video - 10/30/09
- ObamaCare? Are you NUTS?
- Full ACORN Funding Resumes on Halloween
- Our Disgusting, Childish Commander-in-Chief Wannabe
- Proof That Dems are Dim
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- NewsBusted Video - 10/27/09
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- Rules For Presidents (Who Emulate Hugo Chavez)
- Unprecedented - White House Tries to Ban Fox From ...
- Obama's unprecedented approval rating nosedive
- Cheney Hammers Obama Again
- Only 38% Blame Humans for Climate Change
- Fox News Fires Marc Lamont Hill
- Media Spread LIES About Rush Limbaugh
- Washington Post - Are Obama's Actions Constitutional?
- Anita Dunn & Chairman Mao
- Copenhagen - The Most Massively Corrupt Endeavor E...
- Only 43 Percent Would Vote To Re-Elect President O...
- Independents Lose Faith In President
- A Rush to Ruin
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- A Cherry-Picker’s Guide to Temperature Trends
- 58% Say Politics Behind Nobel Awards
- Energy crisis is postponed as new gas rescues the ...
- Climate Change Science - an Overview
- AGW Smackdown - Romm vs. Fuller
- Today's Cartoon - 10/11/09
- Climate Change - Totalitarian Propaganda vs. Science
- Could the Nobel Peace Prize be a bigger joke?
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- CNN Uses Singing Children to Campaign for ObamaCare
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- White House Defends Attacks on Fox News
- News Flash! 89% of world’s land ice growing!
- NewsBusted Video - 10/6/09
- Listen to Overpaid Celebrities
- Beds Are Burning - TckTckTck Campaign
- Hey There Obama (Drink the Kool Aid)
- Recent Hysteria - Arctic Now Warmest in 2,000 years
- Obama's Worst Poll Number
- Re:Session - Extreme Skiing
- Where the SNL Skewering of Obama Was Off Base
- The Talented & Savy Lady Gaga
- Thomas Friedman Blindly Assumes
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- The Truth About ACORN
- Debunking Ice Melt Hysteria - Part II
- Rollin' by This Old Porch
- Obama's Cream of Crap Soup
- International Greenland Ice Coring Effort
- 83% Say Congress Should Post Bills Online For All ...
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