Sunday, August 31, 2008


Click here and read commentary from Dr. Patrick J. Michaels
on the latest political propaganda masquerading as climate science.

Click here for more commentary.

Click here for some directly cited peer reviewed science.

Intrade 2008 Recession Odds at All-Time Low: 9%

The record low odds of a recession in 2008 are now tied with
the record low approval rating “enjoyed” by the Democratic Congress!

2008 Recession Odds - Last Month
Click the Image to Enlarge:
Click the Image to Enlarge

2008 Recession Odds - Lifetime
Click the Image to Enlarge:

Click the Image to Enlarge

Is this recession turkey done?
Is the Democratic Congress done?
Stay tuned!

Click here to learn more.

The Audacity of Hype

Click here and read Thomas Sowell
on the audacity of hype.

Click here for my primary post on Obama.

Click here for the next post on Obama.

Fill'er up With Coal

Click here to read the commentary.
Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it
Does the author of the commentary read my blog?
Click here for all my posts on Coal Liquefaction.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin on ANWR

Note: This post originally opened with an interview of Sarah Palin on ANWR. That video is no longer available. But, this post still contains a wealth of useful information on the case for drilling in the tiny slice of ANWR which is set aside for that purpose.
The bottom line on ANWR:
We can, in a VERY environmentally friendly manner,
develop 1/100th of 1% of ANWR and get, in return,
an estimated 48% increase in our proven oil reserves.
All that and LOTS more is documented and substantiated below.

Additionally, the data prove that ANWR alone
could have prevented the price spikes of 2008.

In 1995, the Congress approved drilling in ANWR,
but President Clinton vetoed it.

Which brings to mind the wit and wisdom of Jay Leno:

The typical propagandists fail to mention that the area proposed
for development is 1/100th of one percent of the total ANWR area.

Only 2,000 acres would be subject to development.
The 1002 Coastal Plain Area (yellow) is 1.5 million acres.
The entire ANWR area (burnt orange + yellow) is 19.6 million acres!

Click the image and learn more:
Click the image and learn more

Click the image to enlarge and view the source:
Click the image to enlarge and view the source

The propagandists are also deceptive in which images they present.
The “pristine wildlife plain” which environmental extremists
seek to “preserve” actually looks like this (in the winter).

Click the image to learn more:
Click the image to learn more

Here are summer and winter images.
Click either image for the source:
Click the image to view the source
Click the image to view the source

The following video dispels both the ANWR imagery
and the hysteria we heard before about the terrible impacts
on caribou which drilling in Prudhoe Bay would cause:

Click here for the facts on caribou herds
30 years after Prudhoe Bay development.

Worried about the impact on that 1/100th of 1% of ANWR?
Click the image & learn about modern drilling:
Click the image & learn about modern drilling

With a mean estimate of 10.4 billion barrels,
ANWR alone is estimated to boost our proven reserves by 48%!

Mean estimates for ANWR amount to almost
as much oil as Brazil’s entire proven reserves!

Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it
Source for proven reserves - This spreadsheet downloaded from this page
Source for ANWR mean estimate - This study from the USGS

Click this image & learn even more:
Click this image & learn even more
Within the above link, the media have been typically remiss
in failing to present this media kit.

Don’t miss this video clip or this presentation (and much, much more).

In the near term, which is more likely to preserve our
National Security during a crisis in the Middle East?

1) Demonstrably counterproductive “alternatives” such as Ethanol?

2) Problematic sources such as wind?

Wouldn’t it be smarter to hedge our bets with abundant domestic hydrocarbons (and nuclear power) while allowing private markets (WITHOUT government meddling) to work on truly viable alternatives for the future?

Do we REALLY want government bureaucrats (and their
cronies) deciding which alternatives will win and which will lose?

Click the image to learn more:
Click the image to learn more

National Healthcare

Be Careful What You Ask For!
Click the image for more cartoons
Click the image for more cartoons.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin - A BRILLIANT Choice for V.P.!

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a BRILLIANT choice for V.P.!

She will attract even MORE votes from
disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters.

And, with her opposition to Roe v. Wade,
she will consolidate the Conservative base.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would NOT make abortion illegal!
It WOULD restore the Constitutional right of duly elected state legislatures to:

“weigh the relative importance of the continued existence and development of the fetus, on the one hand, against a spectrum of possible impacts on the mother”
Governor Palin is a rational environmentalist who
defers to SCIENCE rather than political activism
and understands the balance which must be struck
between economic needs and environmental issues.

Governor Palin will provide an enormous boost to the
critically important “Drill Here, Drill Now” initiative.

Click the image and
read another analysis:
Click the image and read another analysis

Senator McCain, you made an
Go Sarah!

Hillary Supporters,
McCain/Palin is your team:

Even Joe Biden knows
Barack is NOT “the one”:

Click here and ponder what
Obama REALLY stands for.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

America's Far Left on Display

8/28/08 Update
Caution - Strong Language from Weak “Minds”:

The caption reads:

“Sometimes it seemed the sign-carriers went out of their way to wear the most inappropriate clothing. Here, for example, is a man with Soviet Union shirt who was part of a group carrying signs that demanded “Universal Human Rights” and “Dismantle Empire.” Excuse me, sir: Are you trying to look like a fool?”
Click the image & review Zombie at a Giant Puppet Parade:
Click the image & review Zombie at a Giant Puppet Parade

8/26/08 Update - Click the image & review Zombietime, Day2:
Click the image & review Zombietime, Day2

Click the image & review Zombietime, Day1:
Click the image & review Zombietime, Day1

Two minutes, 40 seconds into this video, things get ugly.
Protesters yell “Kill Michelle Malkin”:

Click here to read the commentary.

Caution - Strong Language from Weak “Minds”.
America’s Far Left on Display:

I’m betting Denver is about to get
trashed by thugs on the Far Left.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Latest Deception From Slim Pickins

In his latest commercial, Slim Pickins states:

“Did you know America… only has
3% of the world’s oil reserves?”
That is not a lie, but it IS a MASSIVELY EGREGIOUS DECEPTION!

When one refers to “reserves” that generally translates to “proven reserves” (which can only be “proven” once Congress allows energy companies to drill where the geological surveys say there is oil to be found).

Pickens MAY (or may not) have included estimates from ANWR in his 3% figure. Since the commercial does not cite a source (an egregious omission in itself), it’s hard to know. There are several sources to choose from and each varies slightly from the other.

What we know for certain is that Pickens absolutely, positively did NOT include estimates from currently forbidden areas in the Outer Continental Shelf or forbidden areas where Oil Shale deposits are found. Neither did he include the latest estimates from the Bakken Formation or the potentials from Coal Liquefaction.

Each of the above estimates are included in the following chart.
Click the chart to enlarge it.
Click here to further explore the information in the chart.
Click the chart to enlarge it

Readers can readily download the “proven reserve” figures from the EIA via this spreadsheet downloaded from this page.

Again, note that the figures from this EIA spreadsheet represent only the proven reserves and do not include the estimates of what could be recovered if the Dems in Congress would only allow production in currently forbidden areas.

Comparing the figures in this spreadsheet against the mean estimates for OCS, Coal Liquefaction and Oil Shale readily proves that Pickens CLEARLY did not include ANY of these sources of domestic hydrocarbons in his 3% figure.

Kudos to Pickens for FINALLY advocating “drill, drill, drill”. Now, if only he would STOP being so EGREGIOUS DECEPTIVE about what can be gained by “drill, drill, drill”!

If we fuel our cars with Natural Gas, what will we use to heat our homes and generate our electricity? Does anybody remember the lessons learned from the Ethanol debacle?

As this chart (from this post) demonstrates, Natural Gas is already a VERY expensive option for generating electricity.

Pickens says his plan “starts with wind”.
Click here and take a closer look
at wind & the Pickens plan.

Click here for all my posts on the Pickens Plan.

Monday, August 25, 2008

See What Happens When We Drill, Drill, Drill?

See what happens when we Drill, Drill, Drill?
“Domestic natural gas prices have already plunged 42 percent since early July, an even faster drop in price than oil or most other commodities, in part because of the stagnant economy but also because rapid supply growth has begun to influence the market.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest

Click the image (from Dr. Perry) & read his comments:
Click the image (from Dr. Perry) & read his comments

Note: Natural Gas still remains (for now) substantially
more expensive than coal as a fuel for generating electricity.
Click the image & read the associated post:
Click the image & read the associated post

Unlike Natural Gas, Congress irrationally forbids
oil production in the very best locations for doing so.

Click here and learn how to drive down the price of gasoline
and countless other petroleum based products.

Want to Bet the (Wind) Farm?

First, some basic facts on wind power:

Click here for further perspective
on renewable energy vs. hydrocarbons.

Think wind power will significantly reduce CO2?
Click the image and think again:
Click the image and think again
Click here for the related Wall Street Journal article.

Do you want to bet the (wind) farm on unproven technologies?
17 seconds into this video, you’ll see what I mean:

Click the image for more on wind turbine failures:
Click the image for more on wind turbine failures

Wind turbines are fatal attractions for birds:

First birds, now bats are threatened by wind turbines.
Click the image and read the facts:
Click the image and read the facts
Click here and learn even more.
How many other unknown impacts await us?

Think T. Boone Pickens has all the answers?
Click the image & think again:
Click the image & read about Slim Pickens

As this post demonstrates, we are producing more and more energy
from hydrocarbons while producing less and less air pollution in the process.

Wouldn’t it be wise to hedge our bets with
abundant domestic hydrocarbons (and nuclear power)?

Click the image to learn more:
Click the image to learn more

Click here for all my posts on the Pickens Plan.

Worried about man made climate change? Don’t.

Electoral Vote Polling Over Time

With written permission from the copyright holder,
the following animation shows how the
electoral vote polling data have changed over time.
270 is required to win & McCain is gaining ground!
Click the image to view the source:
Click the image to view the source
This animation should continue to update as new data come in.
Henceforth, the link in my header for “TREND INFORMATION”
will present this animation.
Nice work Colleen!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who Lied About Iraq?

Quoting Randall Hoven at American Thinker:

“If lying is an art, our media have mastered it.”

“The invasion of Iraq was arguably the most justified case of military action the US has ever taken in its history, based on national defense, validated intelligence and legal authority, not to mention morality. Articles of impeachment would have made more sense if Bush had not invaded.

That the exact opposite story is what a majority of Americans appear to believe, and a super-majority of non-Americans, is a scary thought. The truth has been sabotaged, and not by President Bush or his allies.”

Click the image (of Goebbels), verify the FACTS
& discover who the REAL propagandists are:

Click the image (of Goebbels), read the rest & discover who the REAL propagandists are

Click here for another angle
on Iraq, WMD & al Qaeda.

President Biden and Barack America? Seriously?

Barack introduces the next President, Joe Biden.
Biden announces the next President, Barack America.
Seriously, anybody want these two clowns in the White House?

Click here to see the previous Obama video.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wallace, "Progressivism" & Communism

Despite overwhelming evidence, American “Liberals” endlessly deny
that there is any link between their ideology and Communism
(or any number of other totalitarian ideologies rooted in Socialism).
They routinely ridicule as a “Red Baiter” anyone who presents the facts.

I wonder…
If the evidence comes from Time Magazine, will they apply
the same ridicule to that bastion of so-called “Liberalism”?

Quoting Time Magazine on Henry Wallace
(FDR’s Second Vice-President):

“[Henry Wallace] campaigned for the presidency as
a candidate and captive of the Communist-dominated Progressive Party”

“Wallace came to defend Stalin's brutal collectivization
of Soviet agriculture as a great humanitarian venture”

“As Wallace stormed across the land, condemning the Marshall Plan,
aid to Greece and Turkey, and U.S. resistance to Soviet pressure on Berlin,
he became Pravda's favorite American.”

Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for a related story.

NewsBusted Comedy Show - 8/15/08

NewsBusted Comedy Show 8/15/08:

Click here to view more.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Barack Obama and Bill Ayers

The video speaks for itself:

Click here to read additional in depth research and commentary.

Also see:
Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown?

Click here for my primary post on Obama.

Click here for the next post on Obama.

More Evidence of Progress in Iraq

Update - 2/8/10:
This post was full of broken links.
They have now been updated.

Heaven help me,
I’m quoting The New York Times:

“Petraeus is preparing to leave Iraq a remarkably safer place than it was when he arrived”
The same story then cautions:
“the gains are tenuous and unlikely to survive without an American effort that outlasts his tenure”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest

Meantime, Obama has promised to:

“immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months”
Click the image & watch the associated ABC video:
Click the image & watch the associated ABC video

Click here to enlarge the cartoon.
Click here for more cartoons.

It appears that both The New York Times AND ABC know that Obama’s plan for Iraq is nuts.

Remember, this is MSM we’re talking about!

The question is, how many voters will educate themselves before they cast their ballot?

Click here to learn more.

Gold Medalists Thank President Bush

First time EVER back to back
gold medalists in beach volleyball
Misty May and Kerri Walsh thank President Bush.

To view their thank you message
click the image, click “Play video”,
endure the commercial
& advance the slider to view
the last 2 minutes of the video:
To view their thank you message click the image, click “Play video”, endure the commercial & advance the slider to view the last 2 minutes of the video
Oh, and watch the gold medal match to boot!

Or, for as long as NBC may tolerate it,
this blog entry has a shorter video clip
featuring the “thank you” to President Bush.

Congratulations ladies!
Your performance was AWESOME!
I LOVED watching you play!
And, today, I love you even more!

AP Misinforms (Again) on Corporate Taxes

Quoting The Tax Foundation (emphasis mine):

The AP reported that, according to the GAO study comparing tax liabilities of corporations from 1998-2005, "about 25 percent of the U.S. corporations not paying corporate taxes [in 2005] were considered large corporations, meaning they had at least $250 million in assets or $50 million in receipts." Furthermore, this claim was repeated in numerous stories.

After careful review of the AP's story, Tax Foundation economist Josh Barro found that the AP significantly overstated the number of large corporations not paying corporate taxes.

"The actual report reflects that, of the 1.26 million U.S. corporations with no 2005 tax liability, just 3,565 were large," says Barro. "That's 0.28%, which is 90 times less than the figure reported by the AP. Policymakers and the public should not be deceived by this story that misrepresents the GAO report."
Click the image &
read the entire report:
Click the image & read the entire report
Anybody surprised by the usual
misinformation from so-called “journalists”?
Not me!

Additional recommended reading (and listening):

1) Corporations which pay no tax:
Click here and hear the facts.

2) Corporate Taxes: The Most Destructive [AND the most regressive] Tax:
Click here for a broader view of the “the most destructive tax” of all.

Terrorism in Decline

Quoting this press release from Simon Fraser University:

Researchers found:

  • Fatalities from terrorism have dropped by 40 per cent while al-Qaeda has faced a dramatic collapse in support throughout the Muslim world.

  • There has been an “extraordinary, but largely unnoticed, positive change” in the sub-Saharan African security landscape, with the number of conflicts being waged reduced by more than half between 1999 and 2006, and the combat toll dropping by 98 per cent.

  • A decline in the total number of armed conflicts and combat deaths around the world also continues.
Click the image
& read the entire report:
Click the image & read the entire report
Anybody wonder why so-called “journalists”
have been loath to report on this study?
Not me!

Click here for analysis & commentary on the study.

Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ethanol - The Stupidity Just Keeps on Flowing!

The Stupidity Just Keeps on Flowing:

“Earlier this month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rejected a request from the State of Texas to reduce the amount of biofuels that must be blended into gasoline over the next year. By rejecting the waiver request, the EPA has missed a golden opportunity to alleviate high global food prices.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest

My suggestion?
Eliminate all the subsidies and all the mandates.
Any energy source that makes economic sense will not need either one.
Subsidies and mandates are an open invitation for graft, corruption,
inefficiencies, market distortions, price increases and other undesirable outcomes.

Click here for more on Ethanol.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Domestic Energy Potential

Latest Update (08/17/08):
New images added which update
the breakdown of the price paid at the pump.

Click here for the primary post on this topic.

Various factors can and will raise and lower the
price of gasoline in the near term and beyond.
Click the image to learn more:
Click the image to learn more

Click either of the following images to get an updated assessment:
Click the image to get an updated assessmentClick the image to get an updated assessment

By far, the most fundamental cause of recent price spikes is nothing but demand for crude oil rising faster than the supply of crude oil.

If you want real and sustainable lower gasoline prices (and natural gas prices), the only thing required is approval from Congressional Democrats to allow us to recover the tremendous energy resources in ANWR and, better yet, The Outer Continental Shelf.

No, relief will not come overnight. It will take years. But, anybody who alleges there is any other “solution” that would come any sooner is blowing smoke up your ass for the sole purpose of getting your vote.

If Democrats had not spent the last 30 years blocking every effort to produce more domestic energy of any sort (including nuclear), energy prices would not be nearly as high as they are today.

Actually, in 1995, the Congress approved drilling in ANWR, but President Clinton vetoed it. So, if you want to blame an American President for today’s gasoline prices. Blame Clinton!

We have the domestic resources. We have the means to extract and utilize those resources without any meaningful harm to the environment. The only thing we lack is the political will on the part of the Congressional Democrats to “get ‘er done”:

1) In the Outer Continental Shelf alone, MMS estimates:

"the quantity of undiscovered technically recoverable resources ranges from 66.6 to 115.3 billion barrels of oil and 326.4 to 565.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas"

The following chart breaks down the mean estimates for the various areas of the Outer Continental Shelf. Estimates are broken out for Oil, Natural Gas and BOE (a way to measure the energy potential of the oil and gas combined):

Click the image to view the source
Click the image to view the source

2) We import from the Persian Gulf about 70 million barrels per month, or 840 million barrels per year.

Thus, at present levels of consumption, the Outer Continental Shelf alone could allow us to import zero oil from the Persian Gulf for as much as 137 years! Actually, our imports from The Persian Gulf have been steadily declining since 2001. Therefore, these potentials could likely last more than 137 years.

3) Furthermore, there is essentially no damage done to the environment by offshore drilling!

In fact, anyone who has ever gone diving on an offshore rig can tell you that marine life love offshore rigs.

4) Need we mention ANWR? Has CNN informed you that the area proposed for development totals "1/100th of one percent" of the total ANWR area:

Click the image to view the source (and a larger image)
Click the image to enlarge and view the source

Has CNN informed you that the “pristine wildlife plain” which Environmental Extremists seek to “preserve” actually looks like this:

Click the image to learn more
Click the image to learn more

Click this image & learn even more
Click this image & learn even more

Now, ANWR critics often refer to the following quote:

"Only the 1.5 million acre or 8% on the northern coast of ANWR is being considered for development. The remaining 17.5 million acres or 92% of ANWR will remain permanently closed to any kind of development. If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the over 1.5 million acres of the Coastal Plain would be affected."

Yes, 1.5 million acres could be subject to initial exploration. But, once oil is discovered, only 2,000 acres would be subject to development. The entire ANWR reserve is 19.6 million acres. Therefore:

A) Less than 8% would be opened for initial exploration.

B) 1/100th of 1% would be opened for development.

5) In the near term, which is more likely to preserve our National Security during a crisis in the Middle East?

A) As yet unproven (and counterproductive) "Alternative Fuels"?

B) Tapping tremendous domestic potentials?

Sometime down the road we will no longer rely on petroleum as a principal energy source. But, in the near term, environmental extremism is a tremendous threat to National Security which offers no benefit to anybody (except, of course, those who profit by marketing Environmental Extremism).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Path to Prosperity

“A new report confirms that low taxes, limited government,
and flexible labor markets help to spur economic growth.”

Want a better economy?
Shrink the size of government!
Click the image & read the facts:
Click the image & read the facts

Think Obamanomics will deliver prosperity to ANYONE?
Think again!
Click the image & read the facts:
Click the image & read the facts

Think higher tax rates produce higher tax revenues?
Read about the (well proven) Laffer Curve & think again!
Click the image & read the facts:
Click the image & read the facts

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jordan Isn't Stupid

Quoting this story:

“Jordan imports 95% of its oil. Unlike the U.S., the desert kingdom plans on doing something about it. It does not, however, plan to cover its flat open spaces with solar panels or wind farms. It's going to do something the Democratic Congress has refused to do — get oil from its abundant shale rock.”

Click the image and compare our
Oil Shale resources against Jordan’s:

I personally created and uploaded the above chart.
The data used in the above chart are found in
this document downloaded from this source.

Click here to learn more

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!

Click the image & view the video:
Click the image & view the video
Hat tip to Carpe Diem.

Those who cleave to a certain totalitarian political religion
will tell you that this was an isolated example of their foolishness
and that NEXT TIME they will get it right.

Anyone who believes that, is naïve (to put it politely).

Click here for a related post.

Click here for another commentary.

Click here to learn more.

Best Movie Line Ever!

Why France Chose Nuclear Energy

I favor the development of more domestic nuclear power plants.
My only purpose here is to shed light on why the French chose nuclear so long ago.

For decades, the French have safely generated the very large
majority of their electricity through nuclear energy.

Frontline exaggerated (but not by much)
the reason why France chose nuclear:
“France had [in 1973] and still has very few natural energy resources. It has no oil, no gas and her coal resources are very poor and virtually exhausted.”
The following charts tell the story.

Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it

Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it

Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it

But, the above charts do NOT account for the fact that the USA,
according to The Wall Street Journal:
“remains the only nation in the world that has curtailed access to its own energy supplies”

The following chart reveals the REAL domestic energy
potential (without even considering Natural Gas).

USA, Mean Estimate From Oil Shale = 800 Billion Barrels
USA, Mean Estimate From Coal Liquefaction = 535 Billion Barrels
USA, Bakken Formation = “on average, 200 billion barrels” Technically Recoverable
USA, Mean Estimate From The Outer Continental Shelf = 86 Billion Barrels
USA, Mean Estimate From ANWR = 10.4 Billion Barrels
World Proven Reserves - See this spreadsheet downloaded from this page

Click the image to enlarge it it:
Click the image to enlarge it
Click here to learn more.

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