In the wake of the (utterly counterproductive) typical Leftist thuggery perpetrated upon Susan G. Komen, is eager to regurgitate the brazen dishonesty of Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortions represent only 3% of their “Total Services” provided.
Of course, Planned Parenthood can only concoct such an obvious distortion by counting every condom distributed as being equivalent to every abortion performed (that goes well beyond “damn lies”).
What would be more interesting is to see what portion of PP expenses goes to providing abortions. Strangely enough, PP declines to share that information. In that case, they just lump all their “Medical Services” into a single category (representing 68% of their annual expense).
This seems terribly lacking in “transparency” for an organization which -- by their own admission -- gets 46% of their funding from taxpayers.
Given those two numbers (68% vs. 46%) do you think there is any way in HELL that tax payer money does NOT go towards funding abortions? REALLY?
Another figure PP is not eager to share is the fact that in 2008 (the most recent data available), PP provided 27% of all abortions performed in the USA.
See the two images below and click the links to examine the sources.

Click here for the source (page 7 of 12).
Click the image to enlarge it:

Click here for the PP source (page 2 of 3).
Click here for the national data (page 5 of 9).
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