Monday, August 31, 2009

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can:

HT: Caffeinated Thoughts

Polls show potential GOP challengers would beat Harry Reid

Quoting The Las Vegas Review Journal:
“It's the highest stakes ever for a Nevada election, and former boxer Sen. Harry Reid is on the ropes early. Either Republican Danny Tarkanian or Sue Lowden would knock out Reid in a general election, according to a recent poll of Nevada voters…

Nevadans favored Tarkanian over Reid 49 percent to 38 percent and Lowden over Reid 45 percent to 40 percent, according to the poll.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Harry Reid (as usual) reacted badly to the truth.
I guess it was this editorial that set Reid off.
But, people have seen the Dim Congress for what it really is.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.
The Dims are -- as always -- their own worst enemies.
Click here for more polling data.

Sorry Dims -- The Death Panel is REAL

The State run media has -- in the eyes of fools -- completely (and dishonestly) discredited Sarah Palin. So, when the Dims found a need to discredit the phrase “Death Panel”, they only had to note that Sarah Palin coined the phrase and, among their willfully ignorant base (and others) -- VOILA -- allegation debunked! No evidence required!

But, does the “Death Panel” allegation have merit?

Leaving aside the infamous section 1233 thoroughly addressed by Ms. Palin, one need only read section 123 -- beginning on page 30 of the bill -- to FURTHER CONFIRM the allegation is entirely accurate!

These are direct quotations from section 123 of the House bill (Update: That link once pointed to what is now a previous incarnation of the House bill. Today, that link redirects to a different page which was (until the link went dead) Dim propaganda about the legislation as passed into law. It is extremely difficult to determine whether similar language exists in the 2,000+ pages of the health care monstrosity -- even the Library of Congress only provides 906 pages of the actual law. But, the following direct quotes existed at the height of the “Death Panel” controversies):

“There is established a private-public advisory committee which shall be a panel of medical and other experts to be known as the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to recommend covered benefits

EVERY member of this proposed committee is a political appointee:

“The Surgeon General shall be a member and the chair of the Health Benefits Advisory Committee.”

“The Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following members, in addition to the Surgeon General:

(A) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the President.

(B) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States in a manner similar to the manner in which the Comptroller General appoints members to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission under section 1805(c) of the Social Security Act.

(C) Such even number of members (not to exceed 8) who are Federal employees and officers, as the President may appoint.”

When I purchase health care insurance, I am provided with a written contract detailing what is and is not covered. If the insurance company breaches that contract, I have recourse through the courts.

Under the government plan, we will become subject to the whims of a panel of POLITICAL APPOINTEES who will arbitrarily decide -- in light of which way the political winds are blowing on any given day -- what our “covered benefits” shall be. And, we will have NO RECOURSE!

Anyone who thinks ours will be the first Socialist health care system in the history of the world NOT to ration health care is simply delusional.

The ONLY question is -- who will be denied coverage. And, I think we all know the answer to that question. It WILL be grandma and grandpa.

So, call it rationing or call it a “Death Panel”. It’s all the same.

Oh, and…
If you think grandma and grandpa will be ALLOWED to purchase private insurance which will fit THEIR desired level of end of life care, then click the next link and discover the next level of tyranny! Canada has made it illegal to offer ANY private insurance which competes directly with the government monopoly. And, once again, we need only read the bill to discover our tyrants plan to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING!

Click here for the basic “inconvenient truths” on ObamaCare.

57% Would Like to Replace Entire Congress

Quoting Rasmussen Reports:
“If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, just 25% of voters nationwide would keep the current batch of legislators.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% would vote to replace the entire Congress and start all over again. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure how they would vote.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
People have seen the Dim Congress for what it really is.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Obama Approval Rate Hits New Low - 46%

Obama’s “Total Approve” rate is now 46% -- a new low.
And, Obama’s “Total Disapprove” rate is 53% -- a new high.
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what it really is.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our elected officials no longer run the government

Not only does Congress no longer write the legislation, they no longer READ the legislation! They just rubber stamp legislation written by radical special interest groups such as The Apollo Alliance!

Van Jones, a board member of The Apollo Alliance and now Obama’s Green Jobs Czar, is a self-described COMMUNIST who -- to the best of my knowledge -- has NEVER renounced his Communist ideology!

As if that weren’t bad enough, Jeff Jones -- a co-founder of the radical terrorist group, The Weather Underground -- is the Director of the New York chapter of The Apollo Alliance!

Folks, if you are not afraid for our country, you are simply NOT PAYING ATTENTION!

Today's Cartoons - 8/30/09

Today’s Cartoons:

Obama's Strongly Disapprove Rate Hits New High - 42%

Obama’s “Strongly Disapprove” rate is now 42% -- a new high.
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what they really are.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Teddy Kennedy & Mary Jo Kopechne

According to NPR,
Chappaquiddick was Teddy Kennedy’s Favorite Joke:

Click here for commentary.
Click here and read how a decent man might have saved Mary Jo Kopechne.

FCC 'Diversity' Czar on Chavez's Venezuela

On October 25th, 2008, I expressed my fear that:
“We could be on the verge of electing America’s Hugo Chavez”
Are my worst fears coming to pass?
Watch the video, read the commentary, decide for yourself:

Click here & read about
Jeff Jones - Another Weatherman in Obama’s Circle.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Climate Bill Is Built On 'Clean Coal' Myths

Quoting IBDEditorials (emphais mine):
“The fate of the Waxman-Markey climate bill rests upon two myths about so-called ‘clean coal.’ The first is that coal, as used today in the U.S., is a dirty fuel. The other is that coal can be made ‘clean’ by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and storing them underground in geologic repositories…

the theoretical amount of atmospheric warming avoided by CCS [CO2 capture and sequestration] works out to between 0.045 to 0.15 degree Celsius avoided over the next 90 years…

In a presentation to the Society of Petroleum Engineers last March, energy expert Michael Economides estimated that CO2 cuts on the order of the U.S.-shunned Kyoto Protocol would require the drilling of 161,429 injection wells by 2030 at a cost of $1.61 trillion.

That price tag doesn't include the cost of capturing the CO2 at the point of generation, purchasing rights of way for pipelines, pipeline installation costs, and liability insurance. Power plants would have to use 30% more energy for CO2 capture, transport and storage.

Economides says the total cost may be as high as $1 trillion annually — without any guarantees that the CO2 would stay sequestered.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for the facts on coal.
Click here & examine the cost of Cap & Trade.
Click here for some basic science on climate change.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Giving Birth Under Socialist Health Care

If you like the idea of giving birth in a toilet, a corridor or an elevator (aka lift); then Socialist Health Care -- British style -- is the utopia you’ve been waiting for.

If you relish the thought of being turned away from your overcrowded “free” government hospital and giving birth in your car; then Socialist Health Care -- British style -- is the utopia you’ve been waiting for.

Click the image & learn the facts:
Click the image & learn the facts
Click here for the basic “inconvenient truths” on ObamaCare.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jeff Jones - Another Weatherman in Obama's Circle

Click here & recall the radical Left Weather Underground.
Click here & link Jeff Jones to The Weather Underground.
Click here & link Jeff Jones to The Apollo Alliance.
Click here & link The Apollo Alliance to The Stimulus Bill.

Click here & note Carol Browner - Climate Change Czar.
Click here & note Van Jones - Green Jobs Czar.
Click here & note Mark Lloyd - FCC “Diversity” Czar.
Click here & note Anita Dunn - Communications Director.
Click here & recall that I tried to warn you!

Does anybody REALLY think the “Climate Change” agenda is
ANYTHING but a front for a Socialist power grab?

Does anybody REALLY think “Health Care Reform” is
ANYTHING but a front for a Socialist power grab?

Have you noticed the extent of the Dim Deficits?

Click here and realize that Obama IS a radical Socialist!

Local Cult Members Worship Reusable Bags

Cross posted on my local blog.
Quoting our local “newspaper”:
“It shows the mountain towns are championing and pioneering reusing the reusables and keeping the plastic out of our rivers and out of our snow”
The article goes on to cite a laundry list of the purported evils of plastic.

Click the image & read the rest
of the anti-plastic moronic propaganda:

Click the image & read the rest of the anti-plastic moronic propaganda

To believe that any good is coming from this cultist anti-plastic fad requires us to assume that all of these purported do-gooders who are now reusing canvas bags were previously disposing of their plastic bags in hideously irresponsible ways.

This is exactly analogous to the false argument that guns (as opposed to criminal behavior) are the cause gun violence.

The fact is that recycling plastic bags is -- by FAR -- the most sensible and environmentally friendly option. For those willing to risk their health and the health of their family, reusing the plastic bags is a slightly more environmentally friendly option. In fact, as the plastic will not absorb the moisture required to pose a food poisoning risk, reusing the plastic bags is almost certainly a FAR healthier option than the reusable canvas bags.

But, attempting to educate members of the single most dangerous religious cult in the entire history of the human race is an exercise in futility. You might as well attempt to educate your kitchen table. Those who have already embraced this cult are already too far gone. They have been WAY too thoroughly indoctrinated in their religious beliefs.

The best we can hope for is to prevent the very young from becoming indoctrinated into the cult. And, home schooling is the ONLY way to do that.

Click here & link reusable bags to food poisoning.
Click here for some facts on plastic.

Van Jones - Obama's Green Jobs Czar

Quoting Van Jones:
“By August [of 1992], I was a communist.”
Today, Van Jones is Obama’s Green Jobs Czar.
Has Van Jones EVER renounced Communism?
Not that I know of!

Click here to learn about Obama’s Socialist Climate Czar.
HT: Liberty Belle

Monday, August 24, 2009

NewsBusted Video - 8/21/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show From 8/21/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Feel My Blood Enraged

Quoting David Bowie:
“Feel my blood enraged”

I wonder…
Would The Date Rape of America enrage Mr. Bowie?
Would it cause him to fear losing our Constitution?
Would Obama relish that thought?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Impact of Cap and Trade on Your State

Click the image (of a national analysis)
& examine the impact on your state:

Click the image (of a national analysis) & examine the impact on your state
Click here for more on Cap and Trade.

Marine Corp Vet Speaks Truth to Power

Click here for commentary and
to learn more about that “Brown Shirt” issue.

Click here for the basic “inconvenient truths” on ObamaCare.

Obama Approval Index Hits Another New Low - Minus 14

Obama’s approval index is now minus 14.
Approval index = strongly approve - strongly disapprove.
Those who “Strongly Approve” of Obama also hit a new low: 27%
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what they really are.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obama, Soros, Petrobras, Brazil & offshore drilling double standards

Quoting Michelle Malkin:
“Yes, it’s true.

Barack Obama has chipped in $2 billion in loans to exploit offshore oil resources in hopes of extracting a major new source of petroleum…in South America.

And yes, it’s true.

There is a Soros link.”
Click the image of Soros
& read the rest:

Click the image & read the rest
Click here & examine what the Dims won’t allow us access to.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Date Rape of America

Quoting Rasmussen Reports:
“Public support for the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats has fallen to a new low as just 42% of U.S. voters now favor the plan.”
Click the image of the polling data
& read the rest:

Click the image of the polling data & read the rest

In CLEAR defiance of the will of the people, the Dims are now threatening -- according to The New York Times -- to “go-it-alone” in order to ram this Socialist tyranny down our throats.

1) The WSJ had some comments on this “go-it-alone” approach.

2) The Heritage Foundation explains that proposed tyranny in greater detail.

3) The Liberty Belle blog has -- quite accurately -- described this as “The Date Rape of America”.

As they say -- rape is always all about power.

Here’s hoping we can stop this forcible attack before it’s too late!

Click here for the one post that tells it all.
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Todays Cartoon - A Trojan Donkey

Click the cartoon for more cartoons:
Click the cartoon for more cartoons
Click here for the rest of the story.
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Astroturf Tools vs. Grassroots Protesters

Click here and visit
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

HT: Moonbattery

England's NHS is the third largest employer in the WORLD!

Socialist health care is NOT about providing better or even cheaper health care! It is about one thing and one thing ONLY -- dramatically expanding the Socialist voting block by dramatically expanding the number of people who are directly dependent upon the government for their so-called “employment”!

In other words, Socialist health care is nothing more and nothing less than an attempt to secure total political power -- FOREVER!

The U.K. -- quantitatively -- has the WORST health care system in ALL of Europe! But, with so many people dependent upon this wretched system for their so-called “employment”, British citizens are stuck with their lousy system!

We KNOW the Dims are angling for a single payer system -- they have been for over 50 years now. If we adopt ObamaCare, we will be one step closer to the Dim endgame. And, we’ll be one step closer to being in the same boat as the British (and the Dims KNOW IT!)

Quoting The U.K. Times Online:
“A total of 1,282,900 people in England have jobs with the NHS: 2 per cent of the 30 million people of working age.

Only the Chinese Army and the Indian State Railways are believed to employ more people — with 2.3 million and 1.5 million staff respectively — but both workforces represent a far smaller proportion of the national populations.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for more cartoons.

John Reid, the NHS Health Secretary alleged that:
“the ‘snapshot’ census figures exploded the myth that everyone working in the NHS was a bureaucrat, with 84 per cent of NHS staff directly involved in patient care and managers only making up 3 per cent of the total workforce.”
However, the article provides the following figures:
1,282,900 people in England have jobs with the NHS
109,000 doctors
386,400 nurses
122,100 scientists and other therapists
This leaves 665,400 or 52% employed in some “other” capacity.

Furthermore, I don’t see how non-specific “scientists” are directly involved in providing health care. Place “scientists and other therapists” in the “other” category and we are talking about 61% employed in the “other” category.

Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Obama Contradicts Himself on Health Care

Quoting The Wall Street Journal
I added the emphasis and the link:
“So the health-care status quo needs top-to-bottom reform, except for the parts that ‘you’ happen to like. Government won't interfere with patients and their physicians, considering that the new panel of experts who will make decisions intended to reduce tests and treatments doesn't count as government. But Medicare shows that government involvement isn't so bad, aside from the fact that spending is out of control—and that program needs top-to-bottom reform too.

Voters aren't stupid. The true reason ObamaCare is in trouble isn't because ‘folks aren't listening,’ but because they are.
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Death Care and the Commodification of Life

Quoting James Lewis at American Thinker:
“Federal ‘healthcare’ must inevitably turn into ‘Death Care,’ because the bureaucracy will have the sole power to determine the rules under which you and I will live and die. The bureaucrats will have a fixed pot of money, and money spent to save your life comes from the same kitty that is used to give prenatal care to some poor woman from Mexico or Bangladesh. That is what they think is moral -- and this is an argument about morality above all. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother and big advisor to Obama, considers fee-for-service medicine immoral, because it allows richer people to pay more.

There are all kinds of economic arguments against that position, but that's what they believe. It assumes, of course, that there is only one lock-box of money, which cannot expand, and which cannot become more efficiently used as we discover new medications. It assumes that costlier medical care today will not pay off in cheaper medicines tomorrow; but that is the whole history of modern medicine. Poor people are benefiting today from the costlier treatments purchased by others yesterday, just as our cheap netbook computers today came out of five decades of developing huge, very expensive, slower, and clunkier computers. Your aspirin pill today costs pennies. The equivalent of willow bark a hundred years ago was much more expensive…

I want to have the choice to sell my car to save my loved one, or to take out a loan, or a mortgage on a house. The power to make that choice is being taken out of our hands, and that is why Sarah Palin has a more moral position on healthcare than Barack Obama does.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for a related editorial (& the source of the image).
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

NewsBusted Video - 8/18/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 8/18/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Cap and Trade Insanity

Quoting Alan Caruba:
“To understand how insane the Cap-and-Trade bill really is you need to know that it based on the belief that carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced to avoid a global warming that is NOT happening…

Nothing is more worthless than carbon credits. Nothing is more dangerous to the economic future of the nation than the Cap-and-Trade Act. The U.S. Senate must defeat this bill which has already been passed by the House. YOU must defeat this bill by demanding your Senators vote against it.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Each of the following expands upon Alan’s comments:
Click here to examine the current cooling trend.
Click here to examine recent trends in Arctic Sea Ice.
Click here to examine USA hydrocarbon resources.
Click here to examine the folly of wind power.
Click here for some basic science on climate change.
Click here to examine the cause of the housing mess.
Click here for more on Cap and Trade.

The fight over ObamaCare is far from finished

Echoing what I said previously
Quoting The Wall Street Journal:
“So it looks as if the public option has been sent to the death panel—so to speak. Over the weekend President Obama and other White House officials throttled back their demands for a new health-care entitlement program that looked like Medicare for the middle class. Liberals are in a furor and more than a few conservatives are popping champagne corks. But dumping one of the most radical and destructive features of ObamaCare is best viewed as a tactical political retreat, not a surrender…

There are plenty of other ways of ‘getting there’ without a public option… From the start, the Administration has always held that ‘the goal [a single payer government monopoly] is non-negotiable; the path is,’ as Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel put it…

The most dangerous outcome of this weekend's ostensible concession would be if ObamaCare acquires a ‘moderate’ gloss and the public comes to think the rest is innocuous…”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Now Larger Than 2005

Arctic Sea Ice Extent
Click the image to enlarge:

Click here to examine the data source.
Click here to download the raw data into a spreadsheet.

Use the raw data to verify that -- as of today, 8/16/09 -- the Arctic Sea Ice Extent is now larger than it was on 8/16/05 (which was larger than 2007 and 2008). This was not the first day this occurred. It was just the most obvious in looking at the chart.

Given the current slope of the curve in the chart, it appears as though we may see considerably less melting this year compared to 2008, maybe even less than 2005. Time will tell.

Click here for my previous post and expanded comments.
Click here for some basic science on climate change.

The National Debt Road Trip

Click here for my charts and graphs version.

Personally, I think the only reasonable way to examine this is according to who controls Congress.

For example, our video asserts that Bush 43 had a Republican Congress. But, as my charts demonstrate, the overwhelming majority of deficit spending while Bush was President happened while Democrats controlled the Congress. During the time when Republicans controlled both the White House and the Congress, the deficits were decreasing.

Global Warming - The True Believer Mindset

Click here to further explore environmentalism as the new religion.
Click here for some basic science on climate change.

Totalitarians Seek to Silence a Tiny Voice

Quoting JoNova -
Climate Money - Big Government outspends Big Oil:
“Much media attention has relentlessly focused on the influence of ‘Big Oil’—but the numbers don’t add up. Exxon Mobil is still vilified for giving around 23 million dollars, spread over roughly ten years, to skeptics of the enhanced greenhouse effect. It amounts to about $2 million a year, compared to the US government input of well over $2 billion a year…

The vitriol against Exxon reached fever pitch in 2005-2008. Environmental groups urged a boycott of Exxon for its views on Global Warming. It was labeled An Enemy of the Planet. James Hansen called for CEOs of fossil energy companies to be ‘tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.’ In the next breath he mentioned Exxon.”
Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it
Click here to read the rest.

Note: the following quote from the above link appears to be incorrect:
“Apparently Exxon was heavily ‘distorting the debate’ with a mere 0.8% of what the US government spent on the climate industry each year at the time.”
I calculate 0.1%. I have posted a comment to that effect on the link. Maybe it will be corrected.

Click here for a related op/ed.
Click here for some basic science on climate change.

And, no, I have never accepted any money from ExxonMobil.

Obama Strongly Disapprove Rating Hits a New High - 41%

Obama’s “Strongly Disapprove” rating is now 41% -- a new high.
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what they really are.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Politicians - Do they really know anything about global warming?

“Our US Senators are about to vote on a far ranging climate bill that only narrowly passed the House of Representatives. My question is, ‘Do they have even the remotest idea of what is involved in global warming?’ The answer is mixed. Some do but apparently most haven't a clue. They may have a few talking points supplied by the IPCC, Al Gore and James Hansen but that is about it. I dare say that few, if any, have read a single paper contrary to the UN IPCC position”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Call your Senators!
Tell them to oppose ANY CO2 regulations!
Click here for some basic science on Climate Change.

Just 6 Percent Believe Obama's Promise on Tax Cuts

Remember Obama’s promise to lower taxes for 95% of Americans?
Wonder how many believe Obama will deliver on that?
How about SIX PERCENT?

This image was captured on 8/15/09 via a screenshot of this page.
That page is constantly updated and will reflect the latest results.

Meantime, 54% would prefer tax cuts over new health care spending.
Don’t count on it -- we are oppressed by tyrants.

DemocRATS Abandoning Ship!

“After the toughest week yet for health reform, leading Democrats are warning that the party likely will have to accept major compromises to get a bill passed this year – perhaps even dropping a proposal to create a government-run plan that is almost an article of faith among some liberals…

even Obama has signaled for weeks that he would consider alternatives to a government insurance plan…

Sen. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, said twice this week that he was open to dropping the public plan to pass a bill.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest

While this is good news, it is FAR from a victory.

As I stated in my very first post on this topic:
“No matter what the nature of the legislation that gets passed, know that it will be just one more step toward their end game -- a total government monopoly over health care.”
Click here for evidence a total government monopoly is, and always has been, the end game.

IF it happens, this scaling back of the proposed tyranny of the moment will NOT represent surrender. It will ONLY represent a smaller step on the way to total tyranny.

Call your Representatives! Tell them the ONLY thing you want from them is tort reform -- even if it kills the Democrats cash cow!

Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Fishy Facts From the ACS

Quoting The American College of Surgeons:
“The American College of Surgeons is deeply disturbed over the uninformed public comments President Obama continues to make about the high-quality care provided by surgeons in the United States. When the President makes statements that are incorrect or not based in fact, we think he does a disservice to the American people at a time when they want clear, understandable facts about health care reform. We want to set the record straight.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for more cartoons.

Seeing as how I was alerted to this via e-mail, I thought the White House should be alerted to yet another “fishy” assertion delivered via e-mail.

So, in the spirit of the “Flag Yourself” campaign, I sent another e-mail to The White House. I did not -- of course -- turn in my source. After all, that would be un-American.

I can hardly wait for the White House response! Okay, I confess, I’m not really expecting one. I mean, after all, what could they say other than “Sorry, your President lied to you yet again.”?

Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Todays Cartoon - Department of Medical Vacuity

Click the cartoon for more cartoons:
Click the cartoon for more cartoons
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

Flag Yourself - Defeat ObamaCare

Click here for more on the White House “Fishy” expedition.

I just sent the following e-mail to

I think I have compiled quite a laundry list of fishy facts right here:

Be sure to click the link at the bottom of the post for all the latest in fishy facts.

I'll keep my freedoms.

You can keep the tired old reruns of tyrannical Socialist "change".

I can hardly wait until November, 2010!

And, 2012 will be sweeter still!

Flood the buggers with inconvenient fishy FACTS!
Click here for more on ObamaCare.

ObamaCare - The Musical

Remember, we’ve got them on camera admitting
a government monopoly is their endgame:

Click here for proof that endgame is written into the bill.
Click here and recall the warning from President Reagan.
Click here to learn more.

NewsBusted Video - 8/14/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 8/14/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

GOP Trusted More on Health Care

Trust on the issues - per Rasmussen Reports on 8/13/09.
Note the highlighted line on Health Care (highlighting mine).
Also note that there is only ONE issue where Dems are trusted more.
Expect that one to shift over time as well.
This image was captured on 8/13/09 via a screenshot of this page.
That page is constantly updated and will reflect the latest results.
Similarly, the associated report will probably reflect the latest results.

Click here for more on Health Care “Reform”.

Obama Approval Rate Hits New Low - 47%

Obama’s “Total Approve” rate is now 47% -- a new low.
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what they really are.
And, they see Health Care “reform” for the Socialist tyranny it really is.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Unconstitutional Intimidation of Free Speech

The Obama administration is losing the health care debate.
And, they are so desperate to propagandize their way to victory tyranny,
that they have resorted to CLEARLY unconstitutional acts of desperation:

Click here for potentially related video clips.
Click here to learn more.

Obama Admits Government Can't Compete

Among other things, this post explains
why the House bill effectively outlaws private insurance.

Quoting Obama:
“It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems”

HT: The Astute Bloggers & The Heritage Foundation
(Please examine both entries.)

Those who assert that the private sector cannot compete against the government are only partially correct. Yes, it is an unlevel playing field. Yes, unlike the private sector, government can operate at a loss indefinitely -- witness Amtrak.

But, Amtrak is an anomaly. Nobody in the private sector is fool enough to think that passenger rail travel is, today, a viable business model. So, the government has no competition in this area. It just happily pours taxpayer money into this anachronistic, atavistic money pit year after year after year.

Health insurance is a different beast. Clearly, providing health insurance is a viable business model for the private sector. This presents a real problem for the single most inefficient and ineffective method ever devised for the delivery of any goods and/or any services. As Obama freely admits, government is entirely incapable of competing with the private sector.

But, once our politicians create this “public option” for the delivery of health care, they will be committed to maintaining that “option”. Since government is clearly incapable of competing with the private sector, how will the politicians ensure the perpetuation of this “option”?

They will do it the only way they can -- through force of law enforced at gunpoint.

Doubt me? Then you must not know that is EXACTLY what Canada did -- and similar language is ALREADY WRITTEN INTO THE HOUSE BILL!

Our own National Institutes of Health knows this is true, as does the Canadian Medical Association Journal (who published this paper):
“Private insurance for medically necessary hospital and physician services is illegal in only 6 of the 10 [Canadian] provinces. Nonetheless, a significant private sector has not developed in any of the 4 provinces that do permit private insurance coverage. The absence of a significant private sector is probably best explained by the prohibitions on the subsidy of private practice by public plans, measures that prevent physicians from topping up their public sector incomes with private fees…

Six of the 10 provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Quebec) prohibit contracts of private insurance to cover the kinds of services that are publicly funded.54,55,56,57,58,59 All of the provinces that prohibit private insurance do so by prohibiting any person from entering into a contract that covers publicly insured health services. Four of these provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Prince Edward Island) also explicitly void any part of an insurance contract that covers the kinds of services covered by the public plan.”
In other words, 6 of Canada’s 10 provinces made it flat out illegal to directly compete with the government health care system. The remaining 4 Canadian provinces made it effectively illegal to directly compete with the government health care system.

Think it won’t happen here? It is ALREADY WRITTEN INTO THE HOUSE BILL!

Quoting IBDEditorials:
“It didn't take long to run into an ‘uh-oh’ moment when reading the House's ‘health care for all Americans’ bill. Right there on Page 16 is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal.”
The Heritage Foundation takes a more nuanced route to the same conclusion:
“IBD is wrong: individual health insurance will not be outlawed. But it will be effectively regulated out of existence… which is effectively the same thing.”
So, the bill already under consideration in the House, does effectively the very same thing which 4 of Canada’s 10 provinces did -- makes it effectively illegal for private insurance to compete directly with the so-called “option” provided by the government.

But, given what Obama admits in the video, what other “option” would be available which would allow for the survival of the single worst method ever devised for the delivery of ANY goods and/or ANY services?

It seems our politicians actually have learned from the follies of Canadian Socialists (in the most perverse way possible).

Click here for a related op/ed.
Click here for another op/ed.
Click here to learn more.

Obama Disapproval Rate Hits New High - 52%

Obama’s “Total Disapprove” rate is now 52% -- a new high.
Click the image to view the source data:

Click the image to view the source data
Despite the media malpractice that got Obama elected,
the people are beginning to see Obama for what he really is.
They also see the Dim Congress for what they really are.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Support For ObamaCare = 42%

Quoting Rasmussen Reports:
“Public support for the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats has fallen to a new low as just 42% of U.S. voters now favor the plan.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here for a related opinion piece.
Click here to learn more.

NewsBusted Video - 8/11/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 8/11/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Government Policy - Far More Dangerous Than Climate Change

Click here & examine “Climate Change 101”.
HT: Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax

Astroturf? Leah from New Hampshire responds

I am a lifelong registered Independent.
Unlike the Dims, I am paid by nobody.
I am led by nobody.
I am insulted by the "Astroturf" condescension.
And, I second everything Leah has to say:

Can I get a “Hell yeah!” from sister Hillary?
Click here for a related editorial.
Click here to hear more from Leah.
Click here to learn more.


Click here for the far more important post of the day.
Watch the video for today’s entertainment:

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Now Larger Than 2008

Arctic Sea Ice Extent
Click the image to enlarge:

Click the image to enlarge
Click here to examine the data source.
Click here to download the raw data into a spreadsheet.

Use the raw data to verify that -- from 8/6/09 to yesterday (8/9/09) -- the Arctic Sea Ice Extent has consistently been larger than 2008 (which was larger than 2007). Given the current slope of the curve in the chart, it appears as though we may see considerably less melting this year compared to 2008. Time will tell.

Given that we are currently not terribly far removed from the climatic optimum of the current interglacial warming period -- just the latest of “around 100 [interglacial warming periods] in the last 2.5 million years” -- I would normally expect a (perfectly normal, perfectly natural) general trend of less Arctic Sea Ice with each passing year.

The FACT that we saw less melting in 2008 and may well see less melting still in 2009 is just further evidence of the current cooling trend.

I expect the current cooling trend will last a total of 30 to 40 years. During this cooling trend, I would not be surprised to see a general trend of increasing ice melt. Then, I expect a resumption of the perfectly natural, perfectly normal (and, on balance, generally beneficial) gradual warming trend which began 2,000 years ago.

Click here and examine “Climate Change 101”.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Generic Ballot - Republicans 43%, Democrats 38%

Quoting Rasmussen Reports:
“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

John Stossel Takes on Socialist Health Care

Want timely health care in Canada?
It’s possible. But, only if you bark or meow:

Click here for more on Canadian hell.
Click here to learn still more.

HT: Vulcan’s Hammer

Saturday, August 8, 2009

ObamaCare Costs & Wait Times

Substantiations follow the video:

Substantiating the cost data…
(Massachusetts premiums exceed $700 per month.)
This image is from page 8 of this document.
Click the image to enlarge:

Click the image to enlarge

Substantiating wait times…
This image is from page 14 of this document.
Click the image to enlarge:

Click the image to enlarge
Click here for Dr. Perry’s version at Carpe Diem.
Click here to learn more.

HT: Ivin at Green Cool-Aid.

Peter Schiff Supressed by MSNBC

Quoting Newsbusters:
“Is it a requirement at MSNBC that program hosts interrupt conservative guests whenever possible thereby preventing anyone other than liberals to make a point?”
Watch the MSNBC propagandist in action:

Click here to substantiate what Schiff was not allowed to say.
Click here to learn more.

Todays Cartoon - Manufactured Protests

Click the cartoon for more cartoons:
Click the cartoon for more cartoons
Click here for a related editorial.

What is “manufactured” here is the Dim response.
And, that response is consistently disturbing.
Turn the volume down for the ad, up for the video:

Click here for even more disturbing videos.
Click here to learn more.

Friday, August 7, 2009

NewsBusted Video - 8/7/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 8/7/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Health Reform and the Polls

Quoting Scott Rasmussen at the WSJ:
“For all the back and forth about the ‘public option,’ Congressional Budget Office estimates and proposed tax hikes, the fundamentals are really what make health-care reform a hard sell to American voters. As members of Congress head home for the August recess, they should take a close look at some poll numbers before they attempt to pass any new legislation.

The most important fundamental is that 68% of American voters have health-insurance coverage they rate good or excellent. That number comes from polling conducted this past weekend of 1,000 likely voters. Most of these voters approach the health-care reform debate fearing that they have more to lose than to gain.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

Mingus Big Band - Moanin'

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ronald Reagan on Socialism, Liberalism and Health Care

The agenda then is the agenda now.

Then (1961):


In 6 of 10 Canadian provinces it is flat out illegal to offer private insurance which competes with the government monopoly. In the remaining 4 provinces, the regulations make it infeasible to offer private insurance which competes with the government monopoly.

Click here for the unimpeachable source.

We find the intention to phase out private health care insurance on page 16 of the House health care bill. The Heritage Foundation has resolved a challenge to the IBD assertions regarding page 16 thusly:

“individual health insurance will not be outlawed. But it will be effectively regulated out of existence… which is effectively the same thing.”

In other words, the House bill will have EXACTLY the same effect as similar legislation in the 4 Canadian provinces which indirectly legislated private health insurance out of existence and left ALL Canadians with NO alternative to the government monopoly.

Stand up! Wake up! NOW!:

Click here & examine the fiscal nightmare of ObamaCare.
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