Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama, The Scare Monger

If he keeps this up,
Pharaoh Obama could talk us into a real crisis:

Click here to put the current conditions in perspective.
Click here for more on Obama’s cynical “Shock Doctrine”.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Bumper Sticker For The Age of Obama

Click the image to enlarge:
Click the image to enlarge

Here is my version, featuring a Dem Icon.
Click the image to enlarge:

Click the image to enlarge
Hat Tip to Power Line.

59% Still Believe Government Is the Problem

Pharaoh Obama tells us only government can save us.
But, only 28% of Americans agree with Obama on this.
Click the image and review the polling data:

Unfortunately, Pharaoh Obama will press on with his socialist insanity.
Because, that is what totalitarian tyrants do.
The American Dream - It was nice while it lasted.
Kiss it goodbye!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cartoon of the Day - 02/25/09
Click here for more cartoons.

Dr. Will Happer Describes a CO2 Famine

Quoting award winning Princeton University physicist Dr. Will Happer:
“Many people don’t realize that over geological time, we’re really in a CO2 famine now. Almost never has CO2 levels been as low as it has been in the Holocene (geologic epoch) – 280 (parts per million - ppm) – that’s unheard of. Most of the time [CO2 levels] have been at least 1000 (ppm) and it’s been quite higher than that,”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Dr. Happer is absolutely correct!
Click here for the directly cited peer reviewed science.
Click here to learn more (before it’s too late).

World Oil Balance Update - 2/25/09

Don’t miss the 2/25/09 updates to this post
(which is a subset of this post).

Drill Baby, DRILL!

Carol Browner's Socialist Revolution Begins

You were warned!
Carol Browner’s Socialist Revolution has Begun:

Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry. He will!
Scientists overwhelmingly agree we should NOT regulate CO2!
Trial lawyers, by contrast, look forward to their next giant gravy train.
Coal provides 48.5% of our electricity in a VERY responsible manner.
What will replace it? Wind power? Guess again!
We’re SCREWED! Build your bunker!

Click here for REAL opportunities to power our economic recovery.

Return to Climate Change 101

NewsBusted Video - 2/24/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 2/24/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

The Emperor Has no Clothes

Many Americans were conned.
Now, they are catching on.
Click the image & read the analysis:

Click the image & read the analysis
Click here to learn how Obama compares to Bush.

Monday, February 23, 2009

If Congress Designed Cars

Click here for another example.

Obama Approval Ratings Are Dropping Fast

Quoting Drew Zahn at WorldNetDaily:
“Obama's initial job approval rating in January stood at 68 percent, second only to Kennedy's 72 percent among elected presidents since Gallup began tracking the rating during Eisenhower's administration.”

“Obama joins Clinton, however, as the only two elected presidents in Gallup's polling history to watch the balance of opinion become more negative as Americans see them in action through their first month.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Count me among those who strongly disapprove.
Click here to learn more.

Homer Simpson and James Hansen

Separated at Birth?
Homer Simpson and James Hansen:

DOH! What an insult to Simpson!
Click here for the latest on Hansen, the media whore.

Click here for the facts on Climate Change.

Climate Change Smackdown - Schlesinger vs. Christy

Quoting Dr. Roy Cordato:
“I encourage everyone to watch the video of last night’s debate between Dr. John Christy, noted climate scientist and Alabama State Climatologist, and Dr. William Schlesinger, President of the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies and former dean of Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment. What I thought was particularly interesting is that right after making a few opening remarks about how nearly ‘all scientists agree’ and that it's time to stop discussion and get on with making dramatic changes to curtail CO2 emissions and change our lifestyles, Schlesinger said that he was not going to discuss the science. He then went directly to rattling off scary scenarios about the future. So about two thirds of his talk was scare mongering with no actual defense of the hypothesis that human induced catastrophic global warming is in the process of occurring.”
Click here to read the rest of Dr. Cordato’s comments.

I would note that Columbia Journalism Review is advocating the exact same strategy employed by Dr. Schlesinger. This strategy is best paraphrased as “skip the science - move on to selling, via fear mongering, the political agenda”.

One has to wonder which tail is wagging which dog - and why. Which group is framing the strategy for selling this snake oil - the “journalists” or the “scientists”? It appears to me that all the alarmists in both camps know that they cannot win the science debate so they had better hurry up and sell their political agenda.

I believe Dr. Christy won this smackdown hands down. Watch all 8 video segments and decide for yourself.

Climate Change Smack Down
Dr. Schlesinger (Alarmist) vs. Dr. Christy (Realist)
Part 1 of 8:

Click here to view parts 2 through 8.
Click here to learn more.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Noah Wyle, Another Hollywood Idiot

Noah Wyle - Another Hollywood Idiot:

Click here to better understand what we cannot control.
Polar bears survived the previous interglacial warming period
and they will survive this one more easily than that one.

George Carlin saw through this self-serving nonsense:

Pharaoh Obama, Are You Listening?

Pharaoh Obama:

Click here for commentary.
The excuse which began “Bailout Nation” was a LIE!
Obama’s Shock Doctrine is a LIE !
Obama’s “stimulus” is a “spread the wealth” FRAUD!
We’ve been HAD!
Click here to learn more.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How California Became France

Quoting Matthew Kaminski at The Wall Street Journal:
“As California goes, says an old cliché, so goes the nation. Oh my.

These days, the Golden State leads the nation on economic and fiscal dysfunction, from the empty homes spread across the Central Valley to the highest state budget shortfall in the nation's history. Meanwhile, its political class pioneers denial in the face of catastrophe.”
Click the image & read the rest.
This is where Obama/Reid/Pelosi are taking the nation:

Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cartoons of the Day - 02/19/09

Click the cartoon to view more
Click the cartoon to view more
Click the cartoon to view more
Click here for more cartoons.

America's Trillion Dollar Housing Mistake

Quoting The Manhattan Institute:
“For more than seven decades, American government has acted to provide housing for the poor. In America’s Trillion-Dollar Housing Mistake, Howard Husock explains how, as with so many anti-poverty efforts, low-income housing programs have harmed those they were meant to help while causing grave collateral damage to cities and their citizens. Public housing projects, Mr. Husock writes, are only the best-known housing policy mistakes. His book explains how a long list of lesser-known efforts—including housing vouchers, community development corporations, the low-income housing tax credit, and the Community Reinvestment Act—are just as pernicious, working in concert to undermine sound neighborhoods and perpetuate a dependent underclass. He exposes the false premises underlying publicly subsidized housing, above all the belief that the private housing market inevitably fails the poor.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

Bill Clinton and The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977

Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act has become the focal point of a debate over Leftist intervention in the housing market. Apologists for these policies focus on attempting to prove that the CRA alone did not cause the current housing mess. That argument is akin to trying to prove that the queen bee did not cause the death of a person attacked by the entire hive.

The CRA is one of MANY enormously destructive Leftist interventions in the housing market. These interventions date at least as far back as the National Housing Act of 1934 and the Housing Act of 1937. Every decade since the 1930s has seen more and more destructive Federal intervention in the housing markets (and everywhere else). The Department of Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 was another major milestone in destructive Leftist intervention in the housing markets. MANY, if not ALL of these Leftist interventions contributed to the current mess. The reason the CRA is a legitimate focal point in this series of follies is because the CRA represented a major turning point towards a far, far more radical, aggressive, costly and destructive set of Leftist housing policies.

The Clinton administration put the CRA on steroids and boasted about doing so. But, the one event which probably contributed the most to the current housing mess came in 1999 when Clinton pressured Fannie Mae to lower “the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders”.

When Clinton made that move, the New York Times warned:

“In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of [subprime] lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.”
That one move by Clinton - inspired by the CRA - shifted to the tax payers ALL moral hazard associated with originating ANY bad subprime loan - whether directly covered by the CRA or not. From that day forward, ANYBODY could originate an excessively risky subprime loan, book the origination profits and then sell that risky loan to Fannie Mae or have Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or any other “too big to fail” entity insure that risky loan.

Fannie Mae, in particular, was a glutton for taking on more and more insane levels of risk in the pursuit of purely political goals and under the “leadership” of (Democratic) politicians - not business people.

The media and all other Democrats are focusing their attention on AIG. But, the AIG bailout amounts to $170 billion whereas the Fannie and Freddie bailout amounts to $400 billion (update: the Fannie and Freddie bailouts are now UNLIMITED!). What VERY few in the media mention is that the Federal housing policies of the Democrats are directly to blame in BOTH CASES!

Too big to fail” is, for all practical purposes, no different than a GSE. In both cases, there was an implicit guarantee that the Federal government would come to the rescue. In other words - thanks to Bill Clinton and all other Democrats who pushed subprime loans - ALL moral hazard associated with the origination of ALL subprime loans fell squarely on the shoulders of the tax payers - and EVERY scam artist involved in this travesty KNEW IT!

I am not defending anybody who originated bad loans. I am saying that government, especially Clinton, created the conditions whereby that bad behavior would be richly rewarded - with little or no risk to those engaged in the bad behavior (so long as our politicians were willing to use our money to bail them out - AIG included).

Even apologists for the CRA - such as Elizabeth Duke - admit that the subprime market - pushed by Clinton and a whole hoard of other Democrats - is the epicenter of the housing mess:
“According to the latest data, 25 percent of subprime loans and 13 percent of near-prime loans are now seriously delinquent--that is, more than 90 days past due or in foreclosure. The serious delinquency rate for prime mortgages, at between 3 percent and 4 percent, is much lower than for nonprime loans”
Whether the CRA - in isolation - is solely responsible for the current mess is a moot question. The CRA is the contemporary nucleus of a much larger Democrat driven low income housing entitlement folly which, with lots of “help” from an hysterical media and spineless, incompetent (at BEST) knee jerk politicians, wrecked the entire global economy.

This video reaffirms the essence of this post:

Click here to read the primary post on this topic (and all the rest).
Click the envelope icon below and send this post to your friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

NewsBusted Video - 09/02/17

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 2/17/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

The Most Cowardly Smear Merchant in The World

Click the image & read the latest about
The Most Cowardly Smear Merchant in The World:

Click the image & read the latest about The Most Cowardly Smear Merchant in The World

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 Pens to Sign One Porker Package

In Denver Today,
Obama Used 10 Pens to Sign One Porker Package:

Why were 10 pens required to apply one signature to one bill? Is this a new union rule?

Which special interest groups will get the souvenir pens? At what cost?

Why was Obama in such a hurry to break his promise one more time?

Was it because public support for this travesty was dropping with every passing minute?

What? Was Obama’s Shock Doctrine no longer succeeding in deceiving the public?

Click here for further commentary on our messianic pharaoh’s visit to Denver.


Obama's Shock Doctrine

Click here for more CATO Podcasts.
Click here to learn more.

Bailing Out The Big Three

Click here to learn more.

The Audacity of Irony

Quoting Victor Davis Hanson (I inserted the links):
“Where the polarizing partisan George Bush managed to obtain the vote of majorities in both parties to remove Saddam Hussein, the healing bipartisan Barack Obama lacked the support [for his unprecedented porker package] of even a single Republican in the House and won over a mere three Republicans in the Senate.

Liberals who once screamed that congressional opponents of the Iraq war were being unfairly tagged as unpatriotic by the Bush administration now yelled louder that the opponents of the Obama debt program were, in fact, unpatriotic.

Bush was pilloried for supposedly hyping al-Qaeda in order to create a security state. Obama trumped that by proclaiming that the present recession is a catastrophe, a disaster, a Great Depression. He ceased his scare-mongering only when he had exhausted the vocabulary of doom. ‘You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,’ bragged Rahm Emanuel, reminding us that the envisioned Obama socialism could take root only if a climate of fear was created.”

“Now we are witnessing one of the most scandal-plagued incipient administrations of the last half-century. And these ethical embarrassments are doubly ironic. The Treasury secretary and nominal head of the IRS is a tax dodger. The egalitarian liberal Tom Daschle, who was going to make health care accessible for the masses, was caught hiding from the tax man tens of thousands of dollars in free limousine service. Reformist cabinet nominees like Bill Richardson (who has already withdrawn) and Hilda Solis cannot themselves follow the laws they were asked to enforce. The would-be performance czar, Nancy Killefer, did not perform on her taxes. We are now awaiting a third try for commerce secretary. The more Obama railed about his new no-lobbyist policies, the more he issued exemptions for the dozen or more insider lobbyists he hired.

The list of ironies could be expanded. Reps. Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, and Gregory Meeks — infamous for their Fannie Mae laxity — now interrogate supposedly incompetent or greedy bank CEOs. Nancy Pelosi, who demanded that the Speaker of the House in novel fashion receive a government-financed private jet, rails against government-enabled private jets. Bush supposedly politicized the White House, so in reaction Obama moves control of the census — the very linchpin of the American political system — for the first time into the White House. Big Brother comes not through tapping a terrorist’s phone, but, perhaps soon, through having the state collect and centralize everyone’s medical records or monitor the content of talk radio.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

Royally Hypocritical Hysteria

Prince Charles Jets About to Save The Planet:

Carlin, of Course, Saw Through This Ignorance:

Click here to learn more.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Elizabeth Duke - Another CRA Denier

Quoting The Wall Street Journal Real Time Economics Blog:
“A government effort to promote lending in low- and middle-income areas has not been a significant contributor to the nation’s housing woes, Federal Reserve Board Governor Elizabeth Duke said.

An analysis of loan originations shows that only 6% of higher-priced loans - those typically extended to subprime borrowers - were made by lenders covered by the Community Reinvestment Act to borrowers in neighborhoods targeted by the act, Duke told community bankers gathered in Phoenix Monday.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest

Here are the two biggest flaws in Ms. Duke’s argument (and all others like it):

1) Ms. Duke has cherry picked her data -

I don’t care what percentage of “higher-priced loans” “were made by lenders covered by the Community Reinvestment Act to borrowers in neighborhoods targeted by the act”. Tell me what percentage of defaults fell under BOTH the CRA and all other associated malfeasance. Actually, Duke inadvertently did so, but WSJ did NOT - we’ll get to that later.

2) Associated Malfeasance -

The real CRA related coup de grâce came in 1999 when Clinton pressured Fannie Mae to lower “the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders”.

When Clinton made that move, the New York Times warned:
“In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of [subprime] lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.”
That one move by Clinton shifted to the tax payers ALL moral hazard associated with originating ALL bad subprime loans - whether directly covered by the CRA or not. From that day forward, ANYBODY could originate a bad loan, book the origination profits and then sell that bad loan to Fannie Mae.

I am not defending anybody who originated bad loans. I am saying that government, especially Clinton, created the conditions whereby that bad behavior would be richly rewarded - with little or no risk to those engaged in the bad behavior.

Less than seven months after utterly ignoring the warning from the New York Times, the Clinton Treasury Department boasted:
“The U.S. Treasury Department released a report on Wednesday detailing lending to low- and moderate-income borrowers and low- and moderate-income communities covered by the Community Reinvestment Act. The study found that such lending rose significantly, totaling more than $600 billion between 1993 and 1998.”
So, right there, you have the Clinton Administration crediting the CRA with “more than $600 billion” in CRA loans in a single six year period during their tenure. AND, this six year period PREDATES the coup de grâce which the New York Times warned us about in 1999!

Today, even Ms. Duke agrees that the subprime market - pushed by Clinton - is the epicenter of the housing mess:
“According to the latest data, 25 percent of subprime loans and 13 percent of near-prime loans are now seriously delinquent--that is, more than 90 days past due or in foreclosure. The serious delinquency rate for prime mortgages, at between 3 percent and 4 percent, is much lower than for nonprime loans”
Whether the CRA - in isolation - is solely responsible for the current mess or not, it was clearly the nucleus of a much larger Democrat driven low income housing entitlement folly which, with lots of “help” from an hysterical media and spineless, incompetent (at BEST) knee jerk politicians, wrecked the entire global economy.

Click here to learn more.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Looting of America

The Looting of America:

Click here to learn more.

The Lunacy of James Hansen

Click here and read the latest scare mongering lunacy from James Hansen - Alarmist-in-Chief and Al Gore’s sidekick in snake oil scams.

Click here for some real science that puts current CO2 levels in proper perspective.

Click here for more insights from real science (and super scary ignorance from our worst President ever).

Click here for another commentary on this Hansen nut case.

Hat tip to Tom Nelson.

Our Worst President Ever - After Just 3 Weeks

Quoting Nicholas Guariglia at Pajamas Media:
“People of all demographics used Obama as a vessel in which to invest their hopes and dreams. But today, just three weeks into his presidency, Mr. Obama is on the verge of losing the country’s confidence and the large reservoir of national goodwill afforded to all incoming presidents.”

“What could anyone have possibly expected from a young, overtly leftist Chicago upstart who had accomplished precisely nothing of significance throughout his short career — and yet still promised the world, and more, to his loyal adherents?”

“During last year’s campaign, critics of Barack Obama contended he was too inexperienced, too leftist, and in a sense, too good to be true. He was, we observed, just another politician — in fact, one uniquely entrenched with Chicago corruption and archaic tax-and-spend philosophies. In other words, a less noble Jimmy Carter.

Less than a month into his presidency, this view of President Obama has been vindicated — until he proves otherwise. Hang on to your hats (and wallets); it might be a long four years.”
Click the image & read the rest:

Click here and follow all the links
to recall that “we told you so”.

Good News From Iraq Will Not be Televised

Quoting Charles Krauthammer (emphasis mine):
“Preoccupied as it was poring over Tom Daschle's tax returns, Washington hardly noticed a near-miracle abroad. Iraq held provincial elections. There was no Election Day violence. Security was handled by Iraqi forces with little U.S. involvement. A fabulous bazaar of 14,400 candidates representing 400 parties participated, yielding results highly favorable to both Iraq and the United States.”

“The big strategic winner here is the United States. The big loser is Iran. The parties Tehran backed are in retreat. The prime minister who staked his career on a strategic cooperation agreement with the United States emerged victorious.”

“Despite Obama's opposition, America went on to create a small miracle in the heart of the Arab Middle East. President Obama is now the custodian of that miracle. It is his duty as leader of the nation that gave birth to this fledgling democracy to ensure that he does nothing to undermine it.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Click here to learn more.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hail to The Bozo

Hey! Look on the bright side!
Our Bozo-in-Chief is great fodder for comedy!
Remove his teleprompter and he is a buffoon!
The country will not survive his lunacy.
But, at least we can go down laughing:

Hat Tip to Ivin at Green Cool-Aid

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Recovery Will Not be Televised

With apologies to Gil Scott Heron - The recovery will not be televised (unless, of course, Obama’s Pathetic Porker Package gets passed into law).

The February, 2009 forecast from The Conference Board - currently (2/11/2009) available here - suggests GDP will resume modest gains beginning in Q3 of 2009. At that point, the recession will be over - long before the large majority of the Porker Package kicks in.

Unemployment, which usually continues to rise after a recession is over, is predicted to top out in Q1 of 2010 at 9.5% - well below the 10.8% peak in 1982.

If the porker package is passed, the media will falsely claim that the Porker Package deserves all the credit. In the extremely unlikely event that the Porker Package is not passed…

“The Recovery Will Not be Televised”
(Use your imagination):

We Would be FAR Better Off With NO STIMULUS

According to today’s information from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the net effect - over the next ten years - of the current so-called stimulus package would be to INCREASE the national deficit by a WHOPPING


See the last figure in the last line of this document.

Increasing our national deficit by $838 Billion is NO WAY to grow our economy!

PLEASE! Click here and sign the petition to stop this madness!

Click here to learn more.

Misery Index

This is NOT the worst economy since The Great Depression!
Click the image to enlarge:

I created the above chart.
The data is through December, 2008 (the most current available data).
Click here for unemployment source data.
Click here for annual inflation rate source data.
(CPI-U, US City Average, All Items; SA; 12 Months Percent Change)

Click here for a web site dedicated to reporting the Misery Index.
Note: The above site takes inflation data from another source. Yet, our calculated Misery Index data are virtually identical to 1 decimal point.

Click here to compare this recession against others.
Click here and here to expose lies from Obama.
Click here and expose Obama’s Pathetic Porker Package.
Click here and expose a Republican lie used to TARP us all.
Per Newsweek, “We Are [regrettably] All Socialists Now”.
And, we have been CONNED into that sorry state by BALD FACED LIES!
Is it time for another Tea Party?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just Say No to the so-called Stimulus

Inhofe Joins Republicans
in Presenting ‘No Stimulus’ Petition:

Click here to learn more.
Click here to dissect this porker.
Click here to sign the “no stimulus” petition.

Cool Photos

Click the image for more cool photos:
Click the image for more cool photos

Disinformation on Antarctic Climate Change

Quoting Melanie Phillips at
“One of the difficulties the green zealots have had is that Antarctica has been not warming but cooling, with the extent of its ice reaching record levels. A few weeks ago, a study led by Professor Eric Steig caused some excitement by claiming that actually West Antarctica was warming so much that it more than made up for the cooling in East Antarctica.”

“Various scientists immediately spotted the flaw in Steig’s methodology of combining satellite evidence since 1979 with temperature readings from surface weather stations. The flaw they identified was that, since Antarctica has so few weather stations, the computer Steig used was programmed to guess what data they would have produced had such stations existed. In other words, the findings that caused such excitement were based on data that had been made up.”
And, it turns out that this invented Antarctic disinformation was foisted upon the world by one of the two charlatans - and his ever complicit whores in the media - who brought us the now infamous “Hockey Stick” graph!

But, it gets even worse than that! Read the rest, especially the substantiating links!

Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the report
Click here to learn more.

Save The Children (From Global Warming Propaganda)

Quoting Marc Sheppard at American Thinker
(I inserted the first link):
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future
- Adolf Hitler, 1935

No regime in modern history exploited propaganda as diabolically and successfully as did the Third Reich, thanks, in large part, to its focus on those most vulnerable to their ideological manipulation -- children. And with more American adults seeing the cold truth behind warming misinformation, alarmists are stepping up efforts to brainwash our schoolchildren using a playbook that would have impressed Joseph Goebbels himself.”
Click the image (of Goebbels) & read the rest:
Click the image (of Goebbels) & read the rest

As this video (and this entire post) makes clear, Climate Change alarmism has NOTHING to do with environmentalism and EVERYTHING to do with World Socialism.

And, as overlord above EPA and DOE, card carrying Socialist Carol Browner (immune to Senate confirmation) is the tip of Obama’s spear in the implementation of his overtly Socialist agenda.

Be afraid! Be VERY AFRAID (of World Socialism implemented under the utterly dishonest guise of saving the planet from imminent catastrophe).

Click here to learn more.

Stimulus or Pork?

Quoting the Washington Post (emphasis mine):
“The centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda is an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. The Senate will consider the measure this week, with an eye toward the amount of tax cuts and spending. Republicans and Democrats spar over what to consider a tax cut. An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office tallies the tax-cut portion to be significantly less than the one-third Democrats claim it to be.
Is it Stimulus or is it Pork?
Click the Image & Decide for Yourself:

Is it Stimulus or is it Pork? Click the Image & Decide for Yourself

This so-called “stimulus” is FAR more about dramatically expanding the already extremely bloated scope and scale of an already obscenely excessive “Big Government”. Once expanded, the scope and scale of government NEVER shrinks. And this is just one facet of the massive folly that is FDR style Keynesian economic theory. Click here for another analysis of this Obama lunacy.

Don’t get fooled again:

Click here to learn more.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cartoon of the Day - 2/6/09

Cartoon of the Day:
Click the image for more cartoons
Click here for more cartoons.

Yes, friends, according to the Congressional Budget Office, most of the so-called “stimulus” will have NO EFFECT for the next two years. Most economists project the recession will end within the next 6 months. And, two years down the road, with the recession long gone, the “stimulus” that Obama now demands will likely cause more harm than good (the usual outcome of government “action”). We would, as usual, be FAR better off if the government did NOTHING!

Actually, the best thing the Obama/Reid/Pelosi government could do is to dramatically and permanently lower corporate taxes. Anybody want to bet on that one happening?

Propaganda From Financial Journalists

Updated at 4:08PM MST, 2/6/09
Quoting Tom Blumer at
“Have you ever wondered how the geniuses who report business news know why the stock market opens or closes up or down on any given day -- especially when they venture into political explanations?

I received this e-mail from CNN just after the markets opened:

Gosh, those e-mail drafters at CNN are smart. Who knew that the markets want the stimulus package so bad?

Can't you hear, senators? The markets want their stimulus and they want it now!

Give me a break. There is no hard evidence of CNN's assertion.”
Click the image (of Goebbels) & read the rest:
Click the image (of Goebbels) & read the rest

At least this pair of “journalists” cited a quote from one who agreed with them. But, anybody who has read Bernie Goldberg’s book knows that a typical “journalist” goes to great lengths to find any equally biased source they can which will prop up their propaganda.

Now, let’s review some examples of (probably far more credible) cause and effect speculation which I can promise you will NEVER see from ANY AP “journalist” or any other so-called mainstream “journalist”:

1) The Dow’s worst inauguration day EVER signaled the deep lack of confidence in Obama among investors all around the world.

2) The worst January stock market performance in history was further confirmation of the deep lack of confidence in Obama among investors around the world.

3) A sharp spike in army suicides signaled the deep despair felt by our soldiers over the inauguration of Obama.

Personally, if I had done several tours fighting Islamo-Fascism only to find our new Commander-in-Chief orchestrating the dropping of charges against the chief suspect in the Cole bombing, I might be driven to suicide as well.

Hats off to Gary and Deborah Swenchonis for declining the invitation to meet with Obama regarding the dismissal of charges in the Cole case. It is my opinion that Obama only intended to cynically exploit these families for propaganda value.

NewsBusted Video - 2/6/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 2/6/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

NewsBusted Video For 02/03/09

NewsBusted Comedy Show For 2/3/09:

Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Even Leftists Are Laughing at Al Gore

Even Leftists are laughing at
Al Gore and Little Jimmy Hansen.
Even (GASP) MSNBC is in on it!
Watch The Video:

Click the image & read the report:
Click the image & read the report

Poor Jimmy Hansen - His own dogma (about winter warming) is now haunting him.

But, will we still be laughing when
our newly elected Messiah is done with us?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

James Hansen’s Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic

Quoting Dr. John S. Theon, the former supervisor of James Hansen:
“I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who disagree that global warming is man-made”
Quoting NASA Astronaut and Physicist Walter Cunningham of NASA’s Apollo 7:
“Hansen is a political activist who spreads fear even when NASA’s own data contradict him”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
In my opinion, James Hansen is about as credible
as Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (and FAR more dangerous).

Click here to learn more.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Current Recession Compared to Previous Recessions

All charts updated on 4/27/12

8/6/10 Update - To monitor Obama’s epic economic failure, watch the Unemployment Rate graph and the Real Personal Income graph.

3/4/10 Update - Click here and ask if the recession is unofficially over. The question is relevant to the shading found in each chart below.

1) According to the NBER definition in place at the time this post was created, there are -- during a recession -- 6 main data points which normally show “significant decline… lasting more than a few months”:
“A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.”
Note: On September 20, 2010, The NBER changed their definition. Click here for the current definition. Click here to examine the history of changes to their page containing their definition. They may have changed their definition -- among other reasons -- in order to bring their recent declarations on recession start and stop dates more in line with their definition. The new definition is much more ambiguous and (conveniently) makes it virtually impossible for anybody to present quantitative data which disputes either their declarations or recession centric political hyperbole. It almost seems a little too convenient.

2) Using the NBER definition in place at the time this post was created, let’s compare current conditions against past recessions since 1970. We’ll examine using all 6 parameters which the NBER indicate show “normally visible” decline during a recession. See the conclusions at the bottom of the charts:

Real GDP
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Real Personal Income:
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Unemployment Rate
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Industrial Production
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Wholesale Trade
(Apparently, no longer updated)
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Real Retail Sales
Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Primary Conclusion -
The total number of jobs lost in the current recession is certainly unprecedented since at least 1970. We can further note that unemployment has -- since 1970 -- NEVER before remained this high for this long.

This jobless recovery will surely go down in history as Obama’s Epic Failure.

More Job Loss Deceptions

34 seconds into this video, Obama claimed:
“we will have lost in 2008, uh, more jobs than at any time since, uh, World War II.”
In absolute numbers, that turned out to be true. However, after adjusting for labor force growth (as any HONEST politician or reporter would), that statement is not even close to being accurate.

Although the following chart does not depict the exact data cited by Obama (we’ll get to that next), the essence of the deception is obvious just by glancing at the following chart. In this chart, the absolute numbers (in green, scale on the right) do not yet exceed 1982 levels. If one were to normalize those numbers against the growth in the labor force (in blue, scale on the left), one would find that the current conditions, by this metric, are not even close to 1982 conditions.

Civilian Labor Force vs. Civilians Unemployed - 15 weeks or over
Click the Image to Enlarge it and View The Source Data:

Click the image to enlarge it and view the source data

Okay, let’s examine the actual data which Obama cited:

Jobs lost:
2008: 2,589,000
1982: 2,128,000
1945: 2,750,000

Data Source (for each year cited): BLS data.

Conclusion: Technically, Obama did not overtly lie. But, as we shall see, neither was he entirely honest in his characterization of the severity of the present conditions.

Next, let’s examine the size of the “Civilian Labor Force Level” at the end of each year in question:

2008: 154,447,000
1982: 111,083,000
1948: 61,169,000
Note: The data are only available as far back as 1948.

Data Source (for each year cited): BLS data - Series ID LNS11000000.

Next, let’s normalize the jobs lost as a percentage of the labor force:

2008: 1.68%
1982: 1.92%
1945: Something greater than 4.5% (because we are dividing by the size of the 1948 labor force)

Conclusion: Obama was, shall we say, not entirely honest in his characterization of the severity of the present conditions.

But, click here and understand that Obama’s deception paled in comparison to a slightly different media characterization of more recent job loss data.

Click here for an on-going comparison of present conditions against previous recessions.
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