Friday, January 22, 2010

Suggested Reading on the Scott Brown Victory

Obama’s tone deaf reaction to Brown’s victory:

Got that?
Obama thinks Massachusetts was so mad at Bush
that they elected a Republican Senator!
Sorry, that was a rhetorical question!

Let’s review:

Dims gave us record deficits
AND made a bad recession WORSE!
Click the image, examine the data:
Click the image, examine the data

Dims tried to ram a DISASTROUS
health care bill down our throats.
Click the image, examine the facts:
Click the image, examine the facts

Now, let’s hear from the reality based community:

Quoting Ann Coulter (the Catholic):
“Once again, the people have spoken, and this time they quoted what Dick Cheney said to Pat Leahy.

Less than two weeks ago, The New York Times said that so much as a ‘tighter-than-expected’ victory for Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley would incite ‘soul-searching among Democrats nationally,’ which sent Times readers scurrying to their dictionaries to look up this strange new word, ‘soul.’

A close win for Coakley, the Times said, would constitute ‘the first real barometer of whether problems facing the party’ will affect the 2010 elections.”

Quoting The Wall Street Journal:
“Republican Scott Brown's victory in the Massachusetts Senate race was lifted by strong support from union households, in a sign of trouble for President Barack Obama and Democrats who are counting on union support in the 2010 midterm elections.

A poll conducted on behalf of the AFL-CIO found that 49% of Massachusetts union households supported Mr. Brown in Tuesday's voting, while 46% supported Democrat Martha Coakley. The poll conducted by Hart Research Associates surveyed 810 voters.”

Quoting The Wall Street Journal:
“Liberals are now trying to sell the fantasy, and maybe even convince themselves, that ObamaCare isn't among the reasons Senator-elect Scott Brown is headed to Washington. One of the only Massachusetts exit polls doesn't corroborate the story: Rasmussen reports that 51% of voters on Tuesday were opposed and 47% in favor—41% "strongly opposed" and just 25% "strongly in favor." Health care was the decisive factor for 56%.

Perhaps that's because Bay State residents know something the rest of the country doesn't. In 2006, then GOP Governor Mitt Romney brought about a universal insurance plan that bears an uncanny resemblance to ObamaCare—and a meticulous new study confirms that the result has been high costs in return for minimal benefits.”

Quoting The Wall Street Journal:
“Marlene Connolly is a 73-year-old Massachusetts Democrat who cast her first vote for a Republican in supporting Scott Brown. Her quote and story comes to us via the New York Times, but she stands out for this reason: She shows us that those who actually cast ballots in the Bay State did so because they are frustrated with the administration's unrestrained federal spending and failed economic recovery policies.”

Quoting Charles Krauthammer at The Washington Post:
“On Jan. 14, five days before the Massachusetts special election, President Obama was in full bring-it-on mode as he rallied House Democrats behind his health-care reform. ‘If Republicans want to campaign against what we've done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have.’

The bravado lasted three days. When Obama campaigned in Boston on Jan. 17 for Obamacare supporter Martha Coakley, not once did he mention the health-care bill. When your candidate is sinking, you don't throw her a millstone.”

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