“Seth Borenstein… is quickly earning the well-deserved reputationClick the image & read the rest:
as the Global Warming Baghdad Bob of the Associate[d] Press”

Click here for a “few” more exposés on comrade Seth.
Click here & examine where Seth gets his marching orders.
Click here & debunk Seth’s favorite rant - ice melt hysteria.
Click here & examine what science says about climate change.
In Australia we have reports that in the next decade we can expect sea level rises of 1.1m in the next decade This published in “The Australian” weekend 14th 15th November under a headline of “Sea levels threaten 250,000 homes”
However if you take the trouble to search the Federal governments Meteorolgy web site lo and behold we have some 32 sea level monitoring sites around Australia and their 2003 report shows and average of .93mm p/a rise and their 2008-2009 report with graphs on page 31-32 mostly shows generally a small fall in sea levels. Check it out for yourself and add it to your site. Thanks
Can you save me some searching and jump start me with some links?
It would be even more helpful if you post them as comments in this thread.
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