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“Private-sector employment peaked at 115.8 million in December 2007, when the recession officially began. It was down to 108.5 million last November. That's a 6 percent decline.
Public-sector employment peaked at 22.6 million in August 2008. It fell a bit in 2009, then rebounded back to 22.5 million in November. That's less than a 1 percent decline.
This is not an accident -- it is the result of deliberate public policy…
The unemployment data show that this recession has had a much greater impact on private-sector workers than on public employees, on men than on women, on blue-collar workers than on white-collar employees.
This seems not to have gone unnoticed. Democrats have been surprised that so many downscale voters oppose their big-spending programs. Maybe many of those voters have noticed how much of that spending has gone to public-sector union members, leaving the rest of America with a less-than-happy new year.”
“THE THWARTED Christmas Day airplane bombing raises three causes for alarm. First, it illustrates a screening system that remains porous enough to let a suspect board with the same explosive shoe-bomber Richard Reid attempted to use in 2001. Second, it exposes a terrorism bureaucracy too clumsy to catapult the suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, at least to a higher level of preflight scrutiny after his father came forward with warnings that he might pose a danger. Third, if it is true that the suspect received explosives training from al-Qaeda in Yemen, the incident underscores the emergence of that troubled nation as a training ground for terrorists. To that initial list, we would add a fourth: the disturbingly defensive reaction of the Obama administration.”
[Uh, WaPo, HELLO…
When has the Obama administration ever shown anything OTHER than arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, corruption, tyranny, dishonesty and defensiveness?]
“it is hardly reassuring to argue, as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano did on ABC's ‘This Week,’ that ‘once the incident occurred, the system worked.’ The attack was averted because of the luck of a faulty detonator and the quick response of alert passengers. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the president has ordered a review into ‘did the government do everything that it could have with the information that they had?’ The answer to that question seems obvious.”
Kudos to WaPo for this editorial.]
“Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says investigators did not have enough information to keep a terror suspect from boarding a flight bound for Detroit and that the system worked as it should have.”
“An official briefed on the attack on a Detroit airliner says the U.S. has known for at least two years that the suspect in the attack could have terrorist ties…
[And yet…]
New York congressman Peter King says [suspected terrorist] Mutallab was not on the no-fly list.”
“Republicans, emboldened by a new letter from the Congressional Budget Office, accused Democrats on Wednesday of ‘Bernie Madoff accounting’ for double counting the savings from Medicare as a means to pay for the Senate health care bill.”
“For the second straight day, the update shows the highest level of Strong Disapproval yet recorded for this President [46%]. That negative rating had never topped 42% before yesterday. However, it has risen dramatically since the Senate found 60 votes to move forward with the proposed health care reform legislation. Most voters (55%) oppose the health care legislation and senior citizens are even more likely than younger voters to dislike the plan.”This extremely high level for strong disapproval comes as Senate Democrats arrogantly defied the will of the people and -- in a purely partisan vote -- crossed the last big hurdle in the process that will likely see the tyrannical travesty of ObamaCare passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve.
“Barack Obama emerged from his meeting with Senate Democrats this week to claim Congress was on the ‘precipice’ of something historic. Believe him. The president is demanding his party unilaterally enact one of the most unpopular and complex pieces of social legislation in history. In the process, he may be sacrificing Democrats' chances at creating a sustainable majority.
Slowly, slowly, the Democratic health agenda is turning into a political suicide pact…
So why the stubborn insistence on passing health reform? Think big. The liberal wing of the party—the Barney Franks, the David Obeys—are focused beyond November 2010, to the long-term political prize. They want a health-care program that inevitably leads to a value-added tax and a permanent welfare state. Big government then becomes fact, and another Ronald Reagan becomes impossible. See Continental Europe.”
“America’s so-called ‘Progressives’ most often point to Canada’s single payer government monopoly as a model for what they would like to perpetrate on Americans. After the abject failure of HillaryCare, the Dims adopted a strategy of getting to HillaryCare incrementally -- by ‘boiling the frog slowly’, if you will.Even if -- by some miracle -- the current version fails, something will get passed and it will take us one giant step closer to the devastating single payer system which THEY ADMIT they’re gunning for. Ronald Reagan warned us about this in 1961.
No matter what the nature of the legislation that gets passed, know that it will be just one more step toward their end game -- a total government monopoly over health care.”
“The United Nations climate change conference ended in recrimination yesterday without reaching a clear deal on emissions targets.
After a stormy session in Copenhagen, in which a vociferous anti-American minority brought the talks close to collapse, most countries agreed simply to ‘take note’ of a watered-down agreement brokered by President Barack Obama and supported by Britain.
This accord — which had been drawn up in discussions with China and 30 or so other countries on Friday — sets a target of limiting global warming to a maximum of 2C above pre-industrial times.”
“The Climategate Emails describe how a small band of climatologists cooked the books to make the last century seem dangerously warm.
The emails also describe how the band plotted to rewrite history as well as science, particularly by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period, a 400 year period that began around 1000 AD.
The Climategate Emails reveal something else, too: the enlistment of the most widely read source of information in the world — Wikipedia — in the wholesale rewriting of this history…
All told, [U.K. Green Party activist, William] Connolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles… he removed… more than 500 articles… When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred — over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions. Acolytes whose writing conformed to Connolley’s global warming views, in contrast, were rewarded with Wikipedia’s blessings. In these ways, Connolley turned Wikipedia into the missionary wing of the global warming movement.”
NewsBusted Comedy Show From 12/18/09:
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“Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes… just 22% prefer a government with more services and higher taxes.”
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of likely voters now believe that global warming is caused primarily by long-term planetary trends.
Just 34% say climate change is due primarily to human activity, even as President Obama and other world leaders gather at a UN summit to limit the human activity they blame for global warming.”
“Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity”;Watch the video:
“climate debt” due to Mother Earth;
USA must pay “trillions and trillions” for damage.
“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday proposed that major economies including the U.S. come up with $100 billion a year over the next decade for developing nations to fight climate change, an eleventh hour effort to break an impasse here on climate-change talks.”
“Carbon trading fraudsters may have accounted for up to 90pc of all market activity in some European countries, with criminals pocketing an estimated €5bn (£4.5bn) mainly in Britain, France, Spain, Denmark and Holland, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency.”
“Many doubt Obama's ability to legally commit to a binding [international climate] treaty and obligate the United States…
The Obama administration is not bluffing about the ‘command and control’ powers of EPA regulation versus the ‘market-based’ powers of the stalled cap-and-trade bill. They do not wish to extort the passage of legislation with the threat of EPA action. The new international commitments will be based on existing U.S. laws and regulations, and the treaty commitments will then be used to reinforce those same laws and regulations -- even providing the pretext for the urgent need for new ones to enforce the treaty obligations.
Anyone no longer believing Obama's campaign language of ‘fundamentally changing the United States’ underestimates this man. This is a massive power grab of historical and possibly unconstitutional breadth at a breakneck pace. Card check, health care reform, TARP fund misallocations, the stimulus bill pork-barrel spending, cash for clunkers, the $3.4 billion settlement with the Indian tribes, the financial reform bill, additions to the federal work force amidst the hemorrhaging of jobs in the private sector, and now this...we had better wake up and smell what this team is shoveling. And fast.”
NewsBusted Comedy Show From 12/15/09:
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“The world must take action on climate change at Copenhagen even if the science is not correct, Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister has suggested.
Following the ‘climategate scandal’, Mr Blair said the science may not be ‘as certain as its proponents allege’.
But he said the world should act as a precaution against floods, droughts and mass extinction caused by climate change, in fact it would be ‘grossly irresponsible’ not to.”
“Some naive folk, who probably still don't understand that governments do not, in fact, make money of their own but merely take what has been earned by others and redistribute it to causes they think will win them the most votes, may believe that the wealth redistribution will actually lower the temperature of the planet.
There is no evidence, scientific or otherwise, that this will happen. The only certainty is that billions will be ripped off by bankers and other middle men before the remainder arrives in the Third World to be looted by a line-up of dictators and tyrants.”
“‘A year ago, if a reporter called me, all I got was questions about why I’m trying to deny climate change and am threatening the future of the planet,’ said Professor Ross McKitrick of Guelph University near Toronto, a long-time collaborator with McIntyre.
‘Now, I’m getting questions about how they did the hockey stick and the problems with the data.’
‘Maybe the emails have started to open people’s eyes.’”
“If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat”As it turns out,
“Paul Biggs is a BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences graduate (1979) who believed in a man-made CO2 driven climate catastrophe until he started to access Climate Journals and look at the science for himself. Now he has a more realistic view of the scientific uncertainties and the practical problems of the developed world trying to manipulate the single (probably small) factor of atmospheric CO2, with a view to predictably influencing the weather/climate. The media have largely adopted the official intergovernmental view of climate science and tend to ignore peer reviewed scientific papers that fail to support the ‘consensus.’ The mission of Climate Research News is to help bridge the gap between reality, official science, and current climate policy. CRN is independently and entirely funded by the owner, Paul Biggs.”
NewsBusted Comedy Show From 12/11/09:
Can I get a “hell yeah!” from Comcast customers? ;-)
Click here to view more NewsBusted comedy.
P.S.) Jodi comments on one of her adoring Lefty fans:
Jodi! I can relate! ;-)
“In the high-stakes game of chicken the Obama White House has been playing with Congress over who will regulate the earth's climate, the president's team just motored into a ditch.
The threat the White House has been leveling at Congress is the Environmental Protection Agency's ‘endangerment finding,’ which EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson finally issued this week. The finding lays the groundwork for the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions across the entire economy, on the grounds that global warming is hazardous to human health…
President Obama, having failed to get climate legislation, didn't want to show up to the Copenhagen climate talks with a big, fat nothing. So the EPA pulled the pin. In doing so, it exploded its own threat…
Now that the endangerment finding has become reality, the litigation is also about to become real. Green groups pioneered the art of environmental lawsuits. It turns out the business community took careful notes.
Industry groups are gearing up for a legal onslaught; and don't underestimate their prospects. The leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit in England alone are a gold mine for those who want to challenge the science underlying the theory of manmade global warming.”
“The amazing scientific thing that nobody seems to be covering is that the ‘hockey stick’ was never used as proof of anthropogenic global warming by IPCC”
“New analyses of proxy data for the Northern Hemisphere indicate that the increase in temperature in the 20th century is likely to have been the largest of any century during the past 1,000 years. It is also likely that, in the Northern Hemisphere, the 1990s was the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year (Figure 1b).”
“Barack Obama's presidential job approval rating is 47% in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update”Examine the chart.
“The Climategate files have demonstrated the scientific malfeasance of an influential and internationally well networked segment of the climate research community. A small group of scientists and computer modellers - with the aid of an enormous supporting cast of environmental activists and organisations, self-interested business groups, and crusading journalists - have managed to turn the global warming issue (which in 1990 was an entirely sensible matter to have raised) into the scientific scam of the century, if not the biggest ever.”
“After a thorough examination of the scientific evidence and careful consideration of public comments, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that greenhouse gases (GHGs) threaten the public health and welfare of the American people….
GHGs are the primary driver of climate change [bald faced LIE!]…
‘These long-overdue findings cement 2009’s place in history as the year when the United States Government began addressing the challenge of greenhouse-gas pollution and seizing the opportunity of clean-energy reform,’ said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.”
“I sense that you are about to experience the 'Big Cutoff' from those of us who believe we can no longer trust you, me included.”
“The UN panel on climate change warning that Himalayan glaciers could melt to a fifth of current levels by 2035 is wildly inaccurate, an academic says.
J Graham Cogley, a professor at Ontario Trent University, says he believes the UN authors got the date from an earlier report wrong by more than 300 years.
He is astonished they ‘misread 2350 as 2035’.”